听毛主席的話 就一定有前途

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城市知识青年下农场究竟有没有前途?是不是埋没了青春?这个问题,多数知识青年早在来场之前,就已经得到解决了;有些知识青年,是在来场之后,逐步得到解决的;但也有些知识青年,来场数年还未得到彻底解决。不久以前,湖北麻城一位城市下场知识青年的来信说: “我是十六岁进场的,现在已参加生产三年了,全场就数我最小。但由于我场位于一片大山之中,条件有限,各方面比起城镇来说是差些。因此,我认为没有什么前途和出息,对我们青年人来说,是埋没了我们的青春和建设祖国的力量。编辑同志,我们究竟应当怎样认识自已的前途?怎样对待这一工作呢?”下面发表的两篇文章,是福建、贵州两地的两个山区农场的两位知识青年写的,他们以自己的亲身体验,回答了这个问题:知识青年在国营农场参加农业生产建设,同在其他岗位参加社会主义建设一样,是有广阔的前途的,只要能夠认真地读毛主席的书、听毛主席的话、按毛主席的指示办事,做到“身在农场,心怀祖国”,不仅不会“埋没青春和建设祖国的力量”,而且可以大有作为,大有“出息”,使自己的青春大放異彩! Is there any future for the farm under the urban knowledge of young people? Is this the issue of whether youth are buried or not? Most knowledgeable youth have already solved their problems before they come to the field. Some young people with knowledge have gradually solved their problems after they came to the field. However, There are also some young people who have not yet been thoroughly resolved in their visits for years. Not long ago, a letter from a knowledgeable youth stationed in a city in Macheng, Hubei Province, said: “I entered the program at the age of 16. Now I have participated in the production for three years and I was the youngest in the audience. However, as my field is located in a mountain, The conditions are rather limited, and in all aspects are worse than those in urban areas. Therefore, I think there is no future and good news for our young people, who have buried our youth and the power to build the motherland. Know your own future? How to treat this? ”The two articles published below were written by two young intellectuals from two mountain farms in Fujian and Guizhou provinces. They answered the question in their own hands : As a young man who has participated in agricultural production in a state-run farm, like other posts in participating in socialist construction, there is a promising future. As long as he can carefully read Chairman Mao’s book and listen to Chairman Mao’s words and act upon Chairman Mao’s instructions, As a result, “being on the farm and cherishing the motherland” will not only “not bury the youth and build the power of the motherland”, but also make a great accomplishment and make a great contribution to our youth!
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