
来源 :中国质量技术监督 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:PresentScore
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人物简介于靖,1954年生,现任中国计量科学研究院光学研究所所长、研究员。1978年考入于北京邮电大学,迄今为止在计量院光学所已工作20多年,主要从事激光辐射度计量领域的研究,共承担或完成国家“六五”至“九五”激光科技攻关专题、国家科技部基础性工作专项、科技基础平台项目10项,在激光计量基标准装置研制、高能激光与强激光测量、材料激光特性测量、光学探测器和测量仪器研制、激光测量关键技术研究和激光国防领域的计量测试应用中做出了突出贡献,所承担的大部分项目达到了国际先进水平,特别是激光高功率测量能力和激光高能量测量技术水平均优于目前国际报道的水平。共获国家科技进步二等奖2项、国家质量技术监督局科技进步奖4项、国防科学技术三等奖1项。1998年获得全国技术监督先进个人称号,2000年获中央国家机关优秀共产党员称号。2006年,被国家质检总局授予全国质量监督检验检疫“科技兴检”突出贡献奖荣誉称号。 Character brief introduction Yu Jing, born in 1954, the incumbentChina Institute of Metrology Optical Research Institute, researcher. He was admitted to Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 1978 and has been working in Optical Institute of Metrology to date for more than 20 years. He is mainly engaged in the research of laser radiation measurement, undertaking or completing a series of topics of national “65” to “95” The Ministry of Science and Technology basic work special, science and technology platform project 10, in the laser measurement standard device development, high-energy laser and laser measurement, laser material properties measurement, optical detectors and measuring instruments, laser measurement of key technologies and research Most of the projects undertaken have reached the international advanced level. In particular, the laser high-power measurement capability and the laser high-energy measurement technology level are superior to those currently reported in the world. It won 2 second-class national science and technology progress awards, 4 national science and technology progress awards, 1 third-class national science and technology award. He was awarded the title of Advanced Individual in National Technical Supervision in 1998 and the title of Outstanding Communist Party Member of the Central Government in 2000. In 2006, awarded by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, the national quality supervision, inspection and quarantine “science and technology” outstanding contribution award honorary title.
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