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为了研究来自不同麦区的61份同名小麦地方品种小红芒和6份小红芒麦的遗传演变趋势,对与6个产量相关的农艺性状和高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(h igh molecu lar we ight gluten in subun its,HMW-GS)组成的变异进行了分析。结果表明,无论是在形态学水平还是蛋白质水平,小红芒和小红芒麦均存在丰富的遗传变异。在形态学水平上,供试材料的变异系数在株高、穗长、有效分蘖数、小穗数、穗粒数和千粒重等农艺性状上的变化范围分别为0.03~0.11、0.06~0.22、0.20~0.65、0.04~0.18、0.14~0.44和0.05~0.29。通过形态学数据计算小红芒和小红芒麦品种内多样性指数和品种间多样性指数,发现前者(0.804)占总多样性指数(0.842)的95.5%,而后者仅占4.5%,可见形态学变异主要来源于品种内而非品种间,说明这些同名材料是由一个品种演变而来。在HMW-GS组成上,共发现了20种亚基组合类型,其中nu ll,7+8,2+12和nu ll,7+8,2+102种亚基组合出现的频率最高,分别为64.48%和20.00%。比较不同麦区种植的小红芒和小红芒麦的遗传多样性水平,发现无论是在形态学水平还是在蛋白质水平,春麦区材料的遗传多样性均普遍高于冬麦区,并且来自西北春麦区和北部春麦区的材料不仅遗传多样性较高,而且变异来源丰富,其中来自西北春麦区的甘肃天祝一带材料多样性最高,且其所处地理位置便于农作物的传播,故甘肃天祝地区有可能是小红芒的最初种植地点,然后再引种到其他种植区。 In order to study the genetic evolution of 61 wheat landraces of the same name derived from different wheat regions and analyzed on 6 genetic traits of agronomic traits and high molecular weight glutenin subunits (highigh larry ight gluten in subun its, HMW-GS) was analyzed. The results showed that both the morphological and protein levels, small red mangrove and red grasses are rich in genetic variation. At the morphological level, the variation coefficient of the tested materials varied from 0.03 to 0.11, from 0.06 to 0.22 and from 0.20 to 0.20 for agronomic traits such as plant height, spike length, effective tiller number, spikelet number, spikelet number and 1000-grain weight, respectively ~ 0.65, 0.04 ~ 0.18, 0.14 ~ 0.44 and 0.05 ~ 0.29. Morphological data were used to calculate the diversity index and inter-species diversity index of Xiaohongmang and Xiaohongmang, and the former (0.804) accounted for 95.5% of the total diversity index (0.842), while the latter accounted for only 4.5% Morphological variation comes mainly from within the species rather than between varieties, indicating that these materials of the same name evolved from a variety. In the HMW-GS composition, a total of 20 types of subunit combinations were found, of which the frequencies of null, 7 + 8, 2 + 12 and null, 7 + 8 and 2 + 102 subunits were the highest, which were 64.48% and 20.00%. Comparing the genetic diversity of Xiaohongmang and Xiaohongmang cultivated in different wheat regions, we found that the genetic diversity of spring wheat was generally higher than that of winter wheat in both the morphological and the protein levels, The materials of spring wheat and spring wheat are not only of high genetic diversity but also rich sources of variation, of which, the highest diversity is found in Tianzhu area of ​​Gansu Province from the northwestern spring wheat area and its geographical location facilitates the spread of crops, so Gansu Tianzhu It is possible that the area was originally the site of the Little Red Mangrove before it was introduced to other growing areas.
通过对两性花野生毛葡萄特异新种质种苗繁育研究表明,生产上采用硬枝扦插方法进行种苗扩繁成活率极低.在组培培养基上添加0.01~0.1 mg/L的活性炭,明显降低生根苗的玻璃化和愈
分析了燃煤锅炉的烟气量及NO_x排放量的计算方法,提出了1 985年版中的物料衡算计算方法不合理性产生的原因,并根据燃煤锅炉特别是循环流化床锅炉的实际运行情况,对烟气量及NO