
来源 :中国水运 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kim12344
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建立武汉有形水运市场的设想石坚,蒋亚平,罗勇(武汉市航务管理处,武汉430021)武汉是我国特大内河港口城市,也是长江水系水运中心。改革开放促进了水运事业的蓬勃发展,水运市场空前活跃。1.形成了以公有制为主体的多种经济成份和多种经营形式并存的水运市场... The Assumption of Establishing the Physical Water Transport Market in Wuhan Shi Jian, Jiang Yaping, Luo Yong (Wuhan Traffic Administration Office, Wuhan 430021) Wuhan is the port city of China’s extraordinarily inland river and the water transport center of the Yangtze River. The reform and opening up promoted the vigorous development of the water transport industry, and the water transport market was unprecedentedly active. 1. Formed by the public ownership as the mainstay of a variety of economic and co-exist in a variety of forms of water transport market ...
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