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1907-1931年间,内蒙古哲里木盟达尔罕旗经历了7次放垦,贵族因争夺土地权益而起的纠纷不断出现。其原因主要包括三个方面:清廷对蒙地的“大放垦、小禁垦”政策给私垦足够的发展空间,却未尝试建立有效的管理机制;该旗未垦荒地较多却又缺乏有力的领导者;清末新政期间开始官放,民国初期也将垦权下放到蒙古贵族手中,极大地鼓励了蒙古贵族积极追求农业利益,垦务政策的转变成为达尔罕旗贵族纠纷表面化、白热化的关键转折点。贵族围绕放垦的纠纷经历了表面化、白热化、持续扩大与深化四个阶段。清廷在20世纪初期推行蒙地放垦政策之后,贵族之间的纠纷由明争暗斗变为公开的利益争夺。民国初年,贵族开始动用武力来解决垦务纠纷。此后,贵族的争夺转向了熟地乃至剩余的牧场,影响到下层民众的生计和游牧经济的存续。实际上,在1939年伪满政府实行“蒙地奉上”政策之前,蒙古贵族掌握着蒙地的管辖权和收益权,并成为推动蒙地放垦的重要力量。 During 1907-1931, Dahhanqi, a commune of Zheli, Inner Mongolia, experienced seven times of reclamation. Aristocrats continued to emerge from disputes over the rights to land. The reasons mainly include three aspects: the Qing court’s policy of “big reclamation and small reclamation” to Mongolia has sufficient development space for private cultivation, but no attempt has been made to establish an effective management mechanism; But the lack of a strong leader; the beginning of the new government during the late Qing Dynasty official release, the Republic of China will also be the delegation to the hands of the Mongolian aristocracy, which has greatly encouraged the Mongol aristocracy to actively pursue the interests of agriculture, land reclamation policy becomes the aristocratic face of Darfur flag dispute , The turning point of white-hot. Aristocratic disputes around the settlement experienced a superficial, white-hot, continue to expand and deepen the four stages. After the Qing government introduced the policy of reclamation and reclamation in the early 20th century, disputes among aristocrats changed from being miserable to fighting for open interests. In the early years of the Republic of China, aristocrats began to use force to resolve settlement disputes. Since then, the aristocracy’s competition has shifted to the reclaimed land and the remaining pastures, affecting the livelihoods of the lower classes and the survival of the nomadic economy. In fact, before the Manchukuo government implemented the policy of “offering services to Mongolia” in 1939, the Mongol aristocrats held the right of jurisdiction and profit of Mongolia and became an important force that promoted the reclamation of Mongolia.