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儿科各种心脏病、肺炎、毛细支气管炎、输液过多等疾病并发心力衰竭应用地高辛时,如用得不当就会中毒,甚至死亡。近10多年来通过地高辛药物动力学,毒性和疗效差异的研究,提倡口服低剂量的洋地黄化量,强调新生儿和婴儿的血药浓度调整到(?)1.7ng/ml为宜。本文重点讨论正确的掌握剂量、及对洋地黄中毒的认识与预防。 Pediatric a variety of heart disease, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, excessive infusion of fluid and other diseases complicated with heart failure when digoxin, such as improper use will be poisoned, or even death. In the recent 10 years, the study on the difference of drug kinetics, toxicity and therapeutic effect of digoxin has advocated the oral administration of low dose of digitalis and emphasized that the plasma concentration of neonates and infants should be adjusted to 1.7ng / ml. This article focuses on the right to master the dose, and the cognition and prevention of digitalis poisoning.
With the exception of mature erythrocytes, cells within the human hematopoietic system are characterized by the cell surface expression of the pan-leukocyte rec
Objective:To observe the pharmaceutical effect of Chinese drugs for activating blood circulation (Xiongshao Capsule,XSC,芎芍胶囊)and for activating blood circul
作者用减毒沙门菌作为编码白细胞介素4 ( IL - 4)和 IL - 1 8的原核表达质粒传递系统 ,并评估其在不同实验模型中调节免疫应答的能力。  作者首先将鼠 IL- 4和 IL- 1 8基因
SARS coronavirus is an RNA virus whose rep- lication is error-prone, which provides possibility for escape of host defenses, and even leads to evolution of new
AIM:Nucleocapsid (N) protein plays an important role inreproduction and pathological reaction of severe acuterespiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus (SCoV),the
异名 Losec、Mopral、Methocel 化学名 5-甲氧基-2,{〔(4-甲氧基-3,5-二甲基-2-吡啶基)甲基〕亚硫酰基}-1H-苯并咪唑药效分类抗溃疡药(质子泵抑制剂) 开发单位 Astra Hassle
以5-氨基-1-萘磺酸为原料,用苯甲酰氯酰化,得到5-苯甲酰胺基-1-萘磺酸,再经氯化后,与甘氨酸酰化,合成了一种新型的醛糖还原酶抑制剂——5-苯甲酰胺基-1-萘磺酰甘氨酸。 5-Am