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教学中,先进的教学方法和科学管理机制,是大面积提高教学质量的有效策略。语文导读法目标教学机制的实施,便是对这种策略的一种积极而行之有效的探索尝试,是一条新辟的蹊径。我们知道,以布卢姆《教育目标分类学》为基本理论框架构建的目标教学,有着指引教学进程及作为学习成绩测查标准的功能,确能在一定程度上克服盲目性与随意性,改善教学活动质量。但在语文教学中,倘若只简单地实施目标教学,势必产生一些问题:如在设计上只有认知目标,缺乏情意、动作、技能目标;又如容易流于“目标——检测——补救”一个模式,学生会学得枯燥、呆板,教与学的内部机制未能激活。 有副对联比喻得好:“进校如探山,欲往最高层一游,须得登峰造极;求学似观海,能从至深处着想,不难究委穷源。”在实施语文的目标教学中,学生要探语文目标之山,观语文目标之海,需要结合以启发式为主导 In teaching, advanced teaching methods and scientific management mechanisms are effective strategies for improving teaching quality in large areas. The implementation of the goal-teaching mechanism of the Chinese language reading method is a positive and effective exploration of this strategy, and it is a new approach. We know that the objective teaching based on Bloom’s “Teaching Goal Taxonomy” as a basic theoretical framework has the function of guiding the teaching process and as a test standard for learning achievement. It can indeed overcome blindness and arbitrariness to a certain extent and improve Teaching activity quality. However, in the teaching of Chinese, if we simply implement the target teaching, it is bound to have some problems: if there is only a cognitive goal in design, there is a lack of sentiment, movement, and skill goals, and if it is easy to go “target - detection - remedy” In one model, students will learn to be boring and rigid, and the internal mechanisms of teaching and learning fail to activate. Some pairs of couplets have a good metaphor: “If you come to school like a mountain, you want to go to the highest level and you have to go to the top; learning is like looking at the sea, you can think from the depths, and it’s not difficult to get a clear picture of the poor sources.” In teaching, students should explore the mountains of language goals, and the sea of ​​language goals must be combined with heuristic
二、娃娃鱼的人工繁殖 (一)亲体选择 亲体达到生理和形态上的成熟精子和卵子是人工繁殖关键因素。雌性亲体娃娃鱼腹部膨大而柔软,有饱满松软和富有弹性之感作为催产是可行的
定理一若四面体的体积为V ,三组对棱的距离分别为R_1、R_2、R_3,各组对棱中点连线长分别为l_1、l_2、l_3,则有 k_1k_2k_3≤3V≤l_1l_2l_3 当且仅当四面体是正四面体时,等式
《中韩渔业协定》实施后,由于作业海域、船数、时间、方式及渔获物配额等方面的限制,对我国的渔业管理体制产生巨大冲击,由此而引发一系列问题。 After the implementation
慢性肾功能衰竭,尤其是尿毒症的患者,由于毒素代谢产物潴留,致使组织利用糖发生障碍造成糖耐量试验明显减退,但发生自发性低血糖则少见,现将我科近来收治的一例报告如下: C