
来源 :中国物资流通 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyanfeiwoshi
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赵紫阳同志在党的十三大报告中指出:“我们已经进行的改革,包括以公有制为主体发展多种所有制经济,以至允许私营经济的存在和发展,都是由社会主义初级阶段生产力的实际情况所决定的,只有这样做,才能促进生产力的发展。“因此,衡量经济体制改革成败的唯一标准只能是看是否有利于社会生产力的发展。我们物资企业的深化改革目标,不仅在于搞活企业,而且应该实现资源有效配置。因此我主张推行以公有制为主体的多种经济成分的股份制,在理顺资产关系的基础上,把单个企业与形成要素市场结合起来,从而在合理的价格体系引导下,实现生产要素在企业内部的有效组合以及在不同企业之间的合理流动,所以物资企业搞股份制已经是刻不容缓的事情。所谓股份制,理论界已讨论数年,我所主张的 Comrade Zhao Ziyang pointed out in the Party’s 13th National Congress report: “The reforms we have carried out include the development of multiple ownership economies with public ownership as the mainstay, and the existence and development of the private economy, which are all based on the actuality of the productive forces in the primary stage of socialism. What the situation decides is that only by doing so can we promote the development of productivity.” Therefore, the sole criterion for measuring the success or failure of economic system reform can only be to see if it is conducive to the development of social productivity. The goal of deepening the reform of our material companies is not only to invigorate the enterprise, but also to effectively allocate resources. Therefore, I advocate the introduction of a joint-stock system with multiple economic components based on public ownership. On the basis of straightening out the relationship between assets, we combine individual companies with the formation factor market, so that under the guidance of a reasonable price system, production factors can be realized within the company. The effective combination and the rational flow between different companies, so the material companies engage in joint-stock system is a matter of urgency. The so-called shareholding system has been discussed by the academic circles for several years.
近年来,随着新课改在全国范围内的推进,各地相继将新材料作文搬到了高考试卷里,学生叫苦不迭,谈“材料”色变。新材料作文有效教学已成为研究的热点与难点。笔者认为,要实现对新材料作文的有效教学,应注意把握“四性”。  一.把握材料的暗示性  写材料作文时,如果能准确地提炼出材料的中心,把握材料的暗示性,一定会使所写文章既切题又有深度。  【材料】一面镜子,照了一辈子人,就是没有照见自己。有一天,它邂逅了
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