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(一) 在1958年“以钢为纲”的全民大跃进中,找矿勘探工作获得了空前大丰收。一年来全国各地在党委领导下,组织千万人上山,展开了规模巨大的群众性的找矿采矿运动,找到或发现了十六万个矿产地,其中铁矿约占三分之一。各种矿产储量都有了极大的增长,特别是铁矿储量的增长尤为迅速。发现了一些具有经济价值的新矿床类型(如砂铁矿),在南方找到了巨大的“鞍山式”铁矿,在更辽阔的区域内找到了有开采价值的“宁乡式”铁矿,“宣龙式”铁矿的 (I) In the Great Leap Forward of “Taking Steel as the Key Link” in 1958, an unprecedented bumper harvest was found in prospecting and exploration work. In the past year, under the leadership of the party committees, tens of millions of people in the country have been organized to go up the mountain and large-scale prospecting and mining campaigns have been launched. 160,000 mineral sites have been found or discovered, of which iron ore accounts for about one third. All kinds of mineral reserves have made tremendous growth, especially iron ore reserves growth is particularly rapid. Discovered some new types of deposits (such as sand and iron ore) with economic value, found a huge “Anshan” iron ore in the south, found “Ningxiang” iron ore with a mining value in a wider area, “Xuan-style” iron ore
Lattice preferred orientations (LPO) of plagio-clase and augite are measured on layered gabbro from the Panxi region, Sichuan Province. The LPO concentration [
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Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating was carried out for an intermediate granulite xenolith in Cenozoic alkali basalt from Nushan. The results suggest that the lower crust
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