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提升、集聚两岸竞争力,是促进两岸共同发展、实现中华民族伟大复兴的必然选择。集聚提升两岸竞争力,不仅是新世纪两岸经济发展的必然趋势和迫切需求,合乎大陆和台湾经济发展的根本利益,而且还在于两岸竞争力同质性强,具有整合集聚和共同提升的客观基础。集聚、提升两岸竞争力,本身是手段不是目的,目的是要实现中华民族伟大复兴。这就要求两岸必须从实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史高度,化解矛盾、凝聚共识,抓住机遇、迎接挑战,进一步深化两岸交流合作,集聚、提升两岸竞争力。 To enhance and gather cross-Strait competitiveness is an inevitable choice for promoting the common development of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Agglomeration and enhancing the competitiveness of both sides of the Taiwan Strait are not only the inevitable trends and urgent needs for economic development in both sides of the Taiwan Strait but also the fundamental interests of the economic development in the Mainland and Taiwan. They are also the objective basis for the strong cross-Strait competitiveness and the integration and cohesion . Agglomeration and enhancing the competitiveness of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are by themselves a means not an end and the aim is to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This requires that both sides of the Strait must, from the historical height of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, resolve conflicts and build consensus, seize opportunities and meet challenges, deepen cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation, gather and enhance the competitiveness of the two sides.
容闳是第一个获得美国一流大学学位的中国留学生。他晚年出版的自传“My life in China and America”(以下简称“My”)在华人留洋史、中国近代教育史、华裔文学史中都留下了
雪皑皑,野茫茫。  在中华民族灾难深重的时刻,东北抗日联军第一路军总司令兼政治委员杨靖宇将军,率部在冰天雪地里浴血奋战,威震敌胆。  1940年2月22日晚,被敌人连续围追堵截5天5夜的杨靖宇将军,孤身一人来到了长白山腹地的吉林省江县二道崴子看地的小窝棚里。他身边的战士大多壮烈牺牲,两个警卫员也在下山寻粮时不幸遇难。  那个夜晚是农历正月十五,是万家团圆的日子。可杨靖宇将军断粮多日,只能用棉絮、枯
告7个人、3辆车起家的宅急送,因定位准确,由当初起家的30万元资产增至1.8亿元,定位又在敲打我们的神经 Reported to 7 individuals, 3 cars started home delivery, due to a