Effects of soil and water conservation and its interactions with soil properties on soil productivit

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:britney0
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The effects of soil and water conservation (SWC) on soil properties are well documented. However, definitive and quantitative information of SWC and its interactions with soil properties on soil productivity is lacking for hilly red soil region of southern China. Experiments were conducted in the hilly red soil region of southern China for seven years in three runoff plots, each of which represented different SWC forest-grass measures. Principal component analysis and multiple regression techniques were used to relate the aboveground biomass (representing soil productivity) to soil properties. Based on the final regression equations, soil organic carbon content (Soc) is significantly correlated with soil productivity under the condition of forest-grass measures, whereas pH value and cation exchange capacity (Cec) are the main factors for soil productivity without SWC. Therefore, SWC plays an important role in sequestering Soc and improving soil productivity. The effects of soil and water conservation (SWC) on soil properties are well documented. However, definitive and quantitative information of SWC and its interactions with soil properties on soil productivity is lacking for hilly red soil region of southern China. Experiments were conducted in the hilly red soil region of southern China for seven years in three runoff plots, each of which represented different SWC forest-grass measures. Principal component analysis and multiple regression techniques were used to relate the aboveground biomass (representing soil productivity) to soil properties. on the final regression equations, soil organic carbon content (Soc) is significantly correlated with soil productivity under the condition of forest-grass measures, pH and cation exchange capacity (Cec) are the main factors for soil productivity without SWC. Thus, SWC plays an important role in sequestering Soc and improving soil productivity.
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近年来,本人连续参加市区体育教师基本功竞赛和市、区优秀青年教师评选活动,说课成为每次比赛的一个重要环节。  体育学科的说课就是将一节课的学习目标、教学过程、教学方法、组织手段、运动负荷、教学思路及理论依据等在规定时间内用语言表达出来。然而,它不是用语言简单地复述教学案例,而是围绕教学案例进行拓展和延伸,包括讲解过程中的示范动作以及预先判断能否实现预期的教学目标。  体育说课的主要内容包括本节课的指
1968年,百森商学院(Babson College)首先在本科教育中开设了创业教育课程“Entrepreneurship Concentration”,成为全球创业教育的鼻祖。到1970年,又有12所大学开设了创业方面的课程。在此后的20年中,创业教育在全美高校迅速遍地开花。1979年,有127所高校在本科教育中开设了创业教育课程,1986年增加到590所,到1989年数量达到1060所。  今
[关键词]劝学所,私塾,改良  [中图分类号]K25 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]0457—6241(2007)09—0086—03     清末民初,由于教育发展现实的局限,形成了新式学堂与旧式私塾并存的二元教育模式。目前,史学界虽有文章关注私塾改良,但迄今鲜有人关注劝学所,更遑论劝学所对旧式私塾的改良。本文着力对劝学所改良私塾的职责、方式以及作用作一考察,求抛砖引玉之效,以就教于方家。 
摘 要: 在小学信息技术课堂中教学中有效地运用生活化的教学模式能很好地实现小学信息技术新课程改革的要求。本文分析了生活化教学的内涵,具体阐述了教学模式、教学内涵、教学过程的生活化策略。  关键词: 小学信息技术课堂教学 生活化教学 生活化设计  信息技术是一门新的学科,它对教学生活化的要求很高。大量教学实践表明,在课堂教学中运用生活化的教学模式,能很好促进学生应用能力和实践能力的发展,也能使学生对
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