
来源 :饭店现代化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zdhm
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2007年6月29日,经过全国人大四次审阅的《劳动合同法》正式颁布,并于今年1月1日开始正式实施,一时间,由此引起的争议纷纷。随着相关劳动争议与日俱增,雇佣法律问题已日益成为企业人力资源管理的重要内容。新法在征求公众意见期间,政府收到的19万条建议充分证明了大家对新法的关注程度。饭店业属于劳动密集型产业,对人力资源的需求量较大。新法毫无疑问将对雇主和员工间的关系产生重大的潜在影响。一项新法的诞生归根结底要保证最广大人民的根本利益。新法一定程度上为饭店员工提供了安全感,保障了员工利益,饭店员工可以有一个较好的生活水平。但新法对于劳务派遣、非全日制用工、管理公司派遣、加班等问题的规定,直接影响到饭店用工问题,在一定程度上增加了饭店用工风险。这部具有强烈保护劳动者权益之立法倾向的重要法律将给企业的人力资源管理带来怎样的影响?如何在新法环境下加强劳动成本管理?如何从技术、外包、商业模式、双向管理、人力资源等方面践行新法?包括饭店业在内的各行各业都在审视新法将如何影响他们的运营,对饭店员工新法又意味着什么? On June 29, 2007, the Labor Contract Law, which was reviewed four times by the National People's Congress, was promulgated officially and was officially implemented on January 1 this year. With the increasing controversy over labor disputes, the issue of employment law has increasingly become an important part of human resources management in enterprises. During the process of soliciting public opinions, the 190,000 new proposals received by the government fully proved everyone's concern about the new law. Hotel industry is a labor-intensive industry, the demand for human resources larger. The new law will undoubtedly have a significant potential impact on the relationship between employer and employee. The birth of a new law ultimately guarantees the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. The new law to a certain extent, provide a sense of security for hotel staff to protect the interests of employees, hotel staff can have a better standard of living. However, the new law on labor dispatch, part-time employment, management company dispatch, overtime and other issues directly affect the hotel employment problems, to a certain extent, increased the risk of hotel employment. How does this important law, which strongly protects the legislative tendency of the rights and interests of laborers, affect the human resource management of enterprises? How to strengthen the management of labor costs under the new law? How can it be managed from the perspective of technology, outsourcing, business model, Resources and other aspects of the practice of the new law? Including the hotel industry, including all walks of life, are examining how the new law will affect their operations, what does it mean for new employee law?
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一、系统要素框图 !系,(要。,}二、职能部门分类框圈 [咖(职司 目标功能结构‘蓦本任务〕’‘主要职资)《机构设匀行政部门(科委机关) 事业部门(中心、研究院 所)企业部门 (
“新官上任三把火”,或许有些老套了。《新任厂长的“备柴”与“放火”》却说出了一些新意,不妨一读。 “The new official took office three fire”, perhaps a bit old f
一熟悉议论文体裁特点    议论文通常由论点论据论证过程和结论四部分构成。为了突出写作目的,议论文常在文章开头就提出论点,以便读者对作者观点有一个比较清晰的了解。提出论点之后,作者常提供论据来论证论点是否正确。作者可以用来论证的方法较多,最为常见的方法是正反论证,这样的论证思路清晰,观点明确,说服力强,震憾度高。论证结束之后作者常就论点是否正确提出明确结论,它体现作者的写作目的和文章的现实意义。 
相信每个家长都明白保证孩子充足睡眠的重要性,可是在很多中国家长眼里,当睡眠与孩子的课业相冲突时,总是会自觉不自觉地忽略孩子的睡眠,而更加重视孩子的学习,还美其名曰:我是为孩子的将来考虑!其实,这是非常错误的做法。  因为,3~10岁的孩子要保证每天至少有10个小时的睡眠。否则,会对孩子的健康成长非常不利。  1.睡眠不足影响身高  0~6岁正是幼儿长身体、增智力的关键时期,而对幼儿生长发育至关重要