
来源 :西部皮革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:room_yuy
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中国现已成为世界公认的皮革加工和销售中心,而作为国内最具规模的皮革皮具原辅材料集散基地和皮具生产基地,花都狮岭已初步形成了“广州价格”。 中国皮革工业协会理事长徐永日前分析,就皮革资源、产品产量和进出口贸易额而言,中国确实是举世公认的皮革生产大国,而且皮革工业也成了中国的创汇大户,每年出口欧洲、南美等地创汇达到120多亿美元,其中箱包类占40亿美元,而在每年6亿多只的皮具中,产于花都狮岭的就占了1/3。在出口产品中,大部分都是以贴牌形式出口,“梦特娇”、“鳄鱼”、“皇冠”等世界知名品牌代理商不少落户狮岭,在城内经营的外地商人已达70%,有业内人士透露,大部分国际知名品牌已将生产基地转到了中国。 由于属劳动密集型产品,皮革工业手工成分占70%以上,其中的利润空间主要看管理成本,法国梦特娇鞋类、皮具及手套中国总代理凌云峰坦言,平均20%的毛 China has now become the world recognized leather processing and sales center, and as the country’s largest leather leather raw materials distribution base and leather production base, Huadu Shiling has initially formed a “Guangzhou price.” Xu Yong, chairman of the China Leather Industry Association, analyzed that in terms of leather resources, product output, and import/export volume, China is indeed a world-renowned leather-producing country, and the leather industry has also become China’s largest foreign currency earner, exporting to Europe each year. In South America and other places, foreign exchange earning reached more than 12 billion U.S. dollars, of which luggage accounted for 4 billion U.S. dollars. Among the more than 600 million leather goods produced annually, 155 U.S. births in Huadu Shiling accounted for 1/3. Most of the export products are exported in the form of OEMs. Many world-famous brand agents such as “Montagut”, “Crocodile” and “Crown” have settled in Shiling, and 70% of the foreign businessmen have already operated in the city. According to industry sources, most of the internationally renowned brands have already transferred their production bases to China. Due to its labor-intensive products, the leather industry accounts for more than 70% of its manual ingredients. Profit margins are mainly related to management costs. Lingyun Feng, a French distributor of footwear, leather goods and gloves in China, admits that the average is 20%.
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