目的:调查农村地区近5年来孕产妇保健情况,探寻孕产妇保健高质量广覆盖的策略。方法:选取甘肃、贵州、广西、陕西4省作为研究地点,以Lives Saved Tool软件中的妇幼基本卫生保健标准为框架,编制基础问卷,在2012年9~12月对4省抽样地区采用一次性横断面抽样入户调查,收集妇幼个人信息数据。结果:孕产妇基本保健工作在我国中西部农村地区均已开展;孕产妇系统管理率、孕早期检查率、产后访视率上升,孕产妇微量元素补充率普遍较低,调查孕产妇选择在县及以上卫生机构分娩比例增加;乡镇卫生院的产检率和分娩率均呈明显下降趋势;医务人员在提供健康咨询方面,孕产妇个人卫生行为等均没有明显改善。结论:需要加强产科检查项目的系统性,尤其是规范较低技术含量的常规检查。增加孕产妇保健服务的可及性,加大基层健康教育力度,改善个人健康行为,依然是未来农村妇幼卫生发展的重要内容。
OBJECTIVE: To investigate maternal health status in rural areas in the recent five years and to explore strategies for broad coverage of high quality maternal health care. Methods: Gansu, Guizhou, Guangxi and Shaanxi provinces were selected as research sites. Based on the basic maternal and child health standard in Lives Saved Tool software, a basic questionnaire was prepared. One-time Cross-sectional sample household survey to collect maternal and child personal information data. Results: Maternal basic health care work has been carried out in rural areas in central and western China; maternal system management rate, early pregnancy check-up rate, postpartum visit rate increased, pregnant women, And the proportion of childbirth in the above health institutions increased. The birth rate and delivery rate of township hospitals all showed a marked downward trend. There was no obvious improvement in the provision of health consultation among medical staff and in maternal health behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: There is a need to strengthen the systematicness of obstetric examination programs, especially routine tests that regulate lower technical levels. Increasing the accessibility of maternal health services, strengthening grassroots health education and improving personal health behaviors are still the important contents of the future development of maternal and child health in rural areas.