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东北石油大学资源勘查专业铁人班立足于培养面向世界、面向未来、面向现代化,具有较高的科学素质、较强的科学创新能力、知识面广的高层次的地学理科人才,即培养未来的地学杰出人才。学校把资源勘查专业铁人班的建设置于优先发展的特殊地位,建立了各种管理组织,全面落实基地班建设的各项措施,采取了一系列扶持政策,对创新型地学人才培养模式进行了有益的探索与实践,取得了可喜的成果。 Northeast Petroleum University, resource exploration professionals Iron Man class based on the training of the face of the world, the future, facing the modernization, with high scientific quality, strong ability of scientific innovation, knowledge of a wide range of high-level geosciences science and technology personnel, that is, to train the future of earth science Outstanding talent. The school placed special emphasis on the development of iron exploration classes in resource exploration, established various management organizations, fully implemented various measures for the construction of base classes, and adopted a series of supportive policies to carry out the training mode of innovative geosciences Useful exploration and practice, has made gratifying achievements.
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世界向东,中国向西。  作为中国西部经济大省,四川是支撑“一带一路”和长江经济带联动发展的战略枢纽和核心腹地,是中国内陆开放和西部大开发的战略依托和重要支撑。  这次“四川日”全球推介活动,是四川与世界的一次亲密“握手”。推介会上,四川“高精尖”产业、“高大上”产品、“高富帅”人才资源以及“高大全”环境优势让世界大为惊叹。  对四川而言,这是秀出自己的重要舞台;对世界而言,这是了解四川的一个重要平
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善待自己要从小事着手,筋疲力尽的时候让自己放松一下,偶尔来顿丰盛的午餐犒劳自己,采纳积极的建议缓解消极的情绪,时常站在镜子前告诉自己已经很棒。 Treat yourself to so
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