
来源 :电影评介 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccbone
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近年来,上海市金陵小学和市一中学的影评活动开展得有声有色,十分引人注目。两校都成立了影评组,各有组员二十多人。两年中,他们参加区、市组织的《青春万岁》、《高山下的花环》、《雷雨》等各项影评比赛、多次获奖、其中包括团体优胜奖、个人一、二、三等奖等等,金陵中学影评组获奖数多达三四项。两校影评组并在省市一级的影评刊物上各发表了数十篇影评文章,可谓成绩斐然。两校影评活动各有特点: 金陵中学开展影评活动,注意处理好三对矛盾:一是搞影评与抓学习的矛盾。教师启发影评组成员既要正视影评与学习可能产生的时间上的冲突,又要看到两者相互促进的‘统一之处’,要求大家合理安排时间努力改进学习方法。由于这方面注意了引导,金陵中学影评组同学,参加影评和抓好学习两不耽议而且相得益彰。二是搞影评与做工作的矛 In recent years, Shanghai Jinling Primary School and City of a high school film critic activities carried out very impressive, very compelling. Two schools have set up a film critic group, each with more than 20 members. In two years, they participated in various film and television competitions such as “Long Live Youth”, “Garlands Under the Mountain” and “Thunderstorm” organized by the district and city, winning numerous awards, including group winners, individual first, second and third prizes And so on, Jinling High School Film Critics won as many as three or four. The two school film critics and dozens of articles published in critics at the provincial and municipal level in the evaluation of publications, can be described as impressive. Film criticism of the two schools have their own characteristics: Jinling Middle School to carry out film criticism, pay attention to dealing with three pairs of contradictions: First, engage in film criticism and learning to grasp the conflict. Instructors Instruct the members of the review team not only to face up to the possible conflict in time between film criticism and study, but also to see the ’unification’ between the two in promoting each other and asking everyone to make reasonable efforts to improve their learning methods. As the attention to guide in this regard, Jinling School Critics classmates, to participate in film criticism and do a good job learning two do not delay and complement each other. Second, engage in film criticism and the spear of doing work
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