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1938年初,国民政府改组军事委员会,任命陈诚为新设立的政治部部长、周恩来为副部长。周恩来的这一任职,是抗日战争时期中共党员在国民党军政部门担任的最高职务。过去关于周恩来在国民政府军事委员会政治部任职期间的情况,多见诸一些当事者的个人回忆,有关周恩来处理政治部公务的档案史料,尚不多见。本组史料选自馆藏国民政府军事委员会政治部档案全宗,反映了政治部副部长周恩来参与制定《各级政工人员奖惩暂行条例》的一些情况,其中尤为珍贵的是关于这一条例修改意见的批签,系周恩来亲笔手迹。这份《各级政工人员奖惩暂行条例》,虽然仅颁布十余天即被废止,但该条例的制定、 In early 1938, the Kuomintang government reorganized the military commission, appointed Chen Cheng as the newly created minister of the political department and Zhou Enlai as the deputy minister. This post of Zhou Enlai was the supreme position of CPC members in the Kuomintang’s military and government departments during the anti-Japanese war. In the past, when Zhou Enlai served in the Political Department of the Military Commission of the National Government, he saw more personal memories from some of the parties concerned. It is rare to see the archives of Zhou Enlai’s handling of the affairs of the Political Department. The historical data of this group are taken from archives of the Political Department of the Military Commission of the National Government of the People’s Republic of China, reflecting the fact that Vice Minister of Political Department Zhou Enlai participated in formulating the Interim Regulations on the Reward and Punishment of Political Workers at all levels. Among these, the most precious thing is about the revision of this ordinance Lot signed, the Department of Zhou Enlai handwriting. The “Interim Regulations on the Reward and Punishment of Political Workers at All Levels”, which was repealed only for more than 10 days,
郑家屯案中日交涉之结束(1917年2月) 千九百十六年八月十三日,因日本商人吉本与驻辽源二十八师骑兵口角细故,酿成中日军士冲突之事。先是,日本军队在郑家屯驻扎二年有余,本
【正】 1.赖心辉致熊克武等电1923年8月14日亿万急。成都熊总司令、刘总司令钧鉴:顷检得敌电,文曰:急。重庆袁总司令、王总司令、隆昌卢总指挥鉴:大密。袁总司令无电、赵副司