塑造行业名牌 打造牧机精品——访燕北集团总裁刘永怀

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坐落于全国高新技术产业基地——北京中关村学清路的中国农业大学金码大厦,2003年春建成就迎来了第一批非常有实力的企业在此落户,燕北集团公司就是其中之一。为 了顺应我国农业结构调整、农业产业化、科学化的要求,燕北集团新成立了“北京燕北华牧科技有限公司”,它是在燕北畜牧机械集团有限公司的基础上,为扩展业务领域和经营范围,经过人力和财力的重新整合,组建的以现代农牧业为重点的科技型股份制企业。新生的力量标志着燕北集团在畜牧机械行业的名牌效应,市场的竞争力也再一次得到加强与提高。 Located in the National High-tech Industrial Base - Beijing Zhongguancun Xueqing Road, China Agricultural University, Golden Code Building, built in spring 2003 ushered in the very first batch of very powerful enterprises settled here, Yanbian Group Company is one of them. In order to comply with China's agricultural restructuring, agricultural industrialization and scientific requirements, Yanbei Group newly established a “Beijing Yanbei Huamu Technology Co., Ltd.”, which is based on the Yanbei Animal Husbandry Machinery Group Co., Ltd., to expand their business Areas and business scope, through the reorganization of human and financial resources, the establishment of modern agriculture and animal husbandry as the focus of science and technology joint-stock enterprises. The strength of new students marks the brand-name effect of Yanbian Group in the livestock machinery industry, and the competitiveness of the market is once again strengthened and enhanced.
你知道吗?太阳也有味道。许多小朋友说太阳只有亮光,没有味道,我却闻过太阳的味道。这几天,天气特别好,阳光灿烂。妈妈说:“难得好天气,应该把床铺上的被子拿到天台 Do you
我们自1988年以来用光固化树脂涂层共遮盖修复各类变色牙和牙列畸形等共299例,1745个牙。现就其脱落和折裂的常见原因和预防改进措施予以探讨。 1 未经预备的牙面涂层后期脱
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史殿忠(52岁):刚开始一天才卖出一桶水,但我们没有灰心! 2001年5月,经朋友介绍,我知道政府4050工程中有一个“都市清泉”纯水项目。根据自己这几年搞推销、摆地摊、做小生意
一次上课,我让同学们上黑板写属于某些部首的字,由于布置了预习,学生个个举手、跃跃欲试,我看了满心欢喜。同学们写了一个又一个,不一会儿,就把黑板写满了。可我发现很 Once