This article reports 45 cases of insulinoma, because this disease is rare, it is easy to misdiagnose. The article discussed the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. The Whipple triad and the insulin release index IRI/G ratio > 0.3 are diagnostic. For a small number of patients with fasting blood glucose >2.5 mmol/L, starvation tests and D_(360) glucagon tests can be used, among which the hunger test is simple and reliable. In many diagnostic methods, careful examination is more important at the time of surgery. B-ultrasound and careful examination can supplement each other during operation. The correct diagnosis rate can be increased to 90% to 100% when properly applied. PTPCS and arteriography should be limited to reoperation cases. The benign insulinoma strives to be used for tumor resection. Malignant insulinoma should be treated radically because of better biological characteristics.