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对企业退休人员基本养老保险统筹项目外养老金纳入统筹的答复统筹外项目的存在,确实在某种程度上加重了企业的负担,也难以实现真正意义上的社会化管理。对于这一问题,省里一直都很重视。但国务院《关于切实做好企业离退休人员基本养老金按时足额发和国有 The inclusion of external pensions for the overall retirement pension of enterprise retirees in the overall planning of the overall plan does indeed add to the burden of the enterprises to a certain extent and make it difficult to achieve social management in a real sense. The province has always attached great importance to this issue. However, the State Council’s "Proposal on Practically Doing Well the Basic Pension for Retired Employees on Time and in Full
Four new oxypregnane-oligoglycosides, mucronatosides A (1), B (2), C (3), and D (4), together with one known stephanoside E (5) were isolated from the stems of
小区里的宠物多到可以组建一个社会,这样说真的毫不夸张。我们小区里居住的大多是退休的老北京人,他们不和儿女住在一起,也不需要帮忙照看孙子,为了打发这异常悠闲的岁月,便都养了猫狗来解闷,其中很多住户甚至养了不止一只。每到傍晚时分,各家的狗狗就被主人带着来到草地上舒展筋骨,主人们三三两两地聚在一起聊着菜场里豆角的价格,那些被解开绳索的狗狗则明里暗里地进行着权力阶层的争夺与博弈。  既然是社会,那一定存在
A novel coordination polymer [Ag(pyta)]n (pyta? = 4-pyridylthioacetate) containing b ound thioether sulfurs and single-stranded helical chains has been synthesi
The solid-phase preparation of vinyl sulfones via a novel polystyrene-supported selenomethyl phenyl sulfone reagent has been reported. The solid-phase preparat