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悖论是一种与人们通常的见解相抵触的理论、观点或论断。像魔术中的变戏法,看过的人们会产生一种强烈的惊讶感,急切地想知道戏法是怎么变成的?悖论有三种类型:似是而非型,就是论断看起来好像是对的,但实际上却是错的;似非而是型,就是论断看起来好像是错了,但实际上却是对的;二难推理或二律背反型,是一系列的推理看起来好像无懈可击,可是却导致逻辑上的自相矛盾。在我们的生活和工作中经常会接触到各式各样的统计信息。然而,统计是说谎的最佳工具之一。本杰明· A paradox is a theory, viewpoint, or assertion that contradicts people’s usual opinions. Like magic in the magic, seen people will have a strong sense of surprise, eager to know how the trick becomes? There are three types of paradox: paradoxical, that is, the argument seems to be right, but the actual It is wrong; the paradoxical is the type, that is, the argument seems to be wrong, but in fact it is right; the dilemma or antinomy is a series of inferences that seem to be perfect but logically Self-contradictory. In our life and work are often exposed to a wide range of statistical information. However, statistics are one of the best tools for lying. Benjamin
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首次敲诈轻易得手 2006年2月22日,安徽省芜湖市三山区一家窑厂因为市场砖瓦需求量大,厂里人手紧张,就来到南京市安德门劳务市场,准备招聘一批熟练工人。 February 22, 2006,
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在临床上发现房水混浊对葡萄膜炎症的诊断有重要意义。目前检查房水有无混浊一般采用斑点状光束(spot-beam)或圆柱状光束(cylindric beam)照射房水,看其有无闪光现象(即Tynd
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