
来源 :小学生(教学实践) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuhaoxust
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科学探究是培养学生探索精神的重要方法,而探究需要时间。一节课40分钟,老师们常常感叹时间太短,内容太多。如何在有限的时间里,把探究活动做好、做到位,让学生学得深刻、学得扎实、提高科学素养呢?“高效课堂”就成了老师们的追求。笔者结合自身的教学实践谈谈自己在教学中的一点看法和做法。一、养成良好习惯是高效课堂的前提叶圣陶曾说:“教育是什么,往简单的方面说,只须一句话,就是养成良好的习惯。”因此,培养学生良好的学习习惯是实现高效课堂的前提。首先是养成精心准备实验材料的习惯。实验材料是一节高效课堂的基本物质保障,但实验材料未必是实验室都有 Scientific inquiry is an important way to train students to explore spirit, and inquiry takes time. A lesson 40 minutes, teachers often lamented the time is too short, too much content. How can we do a good job in exploring activities for a limited time so that students can learn profoundly, learn solidly and improve their scientific accomplishments? “Efficient classrooms” have become the pursuit of teachers. The author combines his own teaching practice to talk about his point of view in teaching and practice. First, to develop good habits is the premise of efficient classroom Ye Shengtao once said: “What is education, in simple terms, only one sentence, is to develop good habits. ” Therefore, to develop students good study habits Realize the premise of efficient classroom. The first is to develop the habit of carefully preparing experimental materials. The experimental material is a basic material guarantee for an efficient classroom, but the experimental material is not necessarily a laboratory
今天,当人们还在为垃圾邮件而烦恼的时候,谁也不曾感觉到e-mail已经走过了风风雨雨的30年历程。被大家公认为“电子邮件之父”的Ray Tomlinson,至今也不能回忆起第一封 e-ma
Based on the ETM remote sensing images of Guangzhou City in 2014, the spatial distribution results o f three environmental factors including vegetation coverage
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发展经过 T-72主战坦克由莫罗佐夫设计局(其基地设在下塔吉尔的乌拉尔坦克厂,由瓦莱里·韦涅迪克托夫领导)研制,以替换复杂且昂贵的T-64主战坦克。 在1973年部队正式接收T-7
进入初三年级,对于每一个同学来讲,都面临着人生第一个大的挑战,来自家庭、学校以及自身的压力,愈来愈大,绝大部分同学都出现了这样或那样 Enter the third grade, for each