
来源 :安徽农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnaylz
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从我省主要烟区烟草花叶病标样中所分离的毒源,在鉴别寄主苋色藜上形成局部枯斑,在心叶烟上则为系统侵染。病毒致死温度65~70℃,体外保毒期2~3天,稀释终点为1:1000~2000。电镜观察病毒粒体为球形和血清学试验不与烟草花叶病毒和芜菁花叶病毒起反应。根据这些特性,初步认为属典型的黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber Mosaic Virus)。本文用反向间接血凝反应、皂土凝聚反应、琼脂双扩散反应、试管沉淀反应和玻片凝聚反应对黄瓜花叶病毒进行了检测比较试验,其中以反向间接血凝法灵敏度最高,病株抽提液稀释至三万倍仍可检出,敏感度比琼脂双扩散试验高256倍,其诊断效率亦较好,均比其它测定法优越。 The source of the virus isolated from the tobacco mosaic disease standard sample in the main tobacco-growing area of ​​our province formed a local spot on the differential host amaranth, while the systemic infection on the heart-leaf tobacco. Virus lethal temperature 65 ~ 70 ℃, in vitro protection of 2 to 3 days, the end of the dilution of 1: 1000 ~ 2000. Electron microscopy showed that the mitochondria were spherical and serological tests did not react with tobacco mosaic virus and turnip mosaic virus. According to these characteristics, initially considered a typical cucumber mosaic virus (Cucumber Mosaic Virus). In this paper, cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was tested by reverse indirect hemagglutination, bentonite agglutination, agar double diffusion, tube sedimentation and glass slide agglutination. Among them, the reverse indirect hemagglutination assay showed the highest sensitivity Strain extract diluted to 30,000 times still detectable, sensitivity 256 times higher than the agar double diffusion test, the diagnostic efficiency is better, are superior to other assay.
高效、低毒和低残留是衡量新农药的经济价值标准。目前,国际上高效、低毒、低残留农药的主要来源的研究方面已趋向化学合成的植物性农药,如具有光稳定的拟除虫菊酯类, 在现
青枯病是南方马铃薯的主要病害之一.除危害马铃薯外.还危害番茄、茄子、烟草等100多种植物.该病是一种喜高温高湿的细菌性病害 对长江以南的马铃薯有着毁灭性的危害 如上海
我由数学教师改做医学统计教学和科研工作已有 10年 ,对医学科研中数据的变异性体会颇深 ,也深感对待医学论文中的数据 ,不能简单地比比数字大小就能够得出科学结论。尽管许
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