Recent progresses of polymer crystallization studied by AFM

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honglou123
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The crystallization of polymers has been one of the major topics in polymer physics. Spherulites are common crystalline structures observed in semi-crystalline polymers. Many studies[1-5] have been performed to investigate the detailed structures and formation mechanisms. It is generally accepted that the three-dimensional geometry of spherulites develops from a stack of lamellae. During the growth process, the stacked lamellae splay apart continually and branch occasionally[6.7]. However, there are many unanswered questions. For example, what is a pri- The crystallization of polymers has been one of the major topics in polymer physics. Spherulites are common crystalline structures observed in semi-crystalline polymers. Many studies [1-5] have been performed to investigate the detailed structures and formation mechanisms. that the three-dimensional geometry of spherulites develops from a stack of lamellae. During the growth process, the stacked lamellae splay apart continually and branch occasionally [6.7]. However, there are many unanswered questions. For example, what is a pri-
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近年来 ,氟乙酰胺灭鼠药因其毒性大 ,用量小 ,灭鼠效果好 ,呈广泛使用趋势 ,儿童误服此药引起中毒的数量也随之增多。临床上发病急 ,以神经系统症状为主 ,死亡率较高。 1995~