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今年一月,我们出版了有里程纪念意义的第一百期。今年五月,我们又迎来了本刊创刊的十周年纪念日,借此机会,我们首先向一贯支持、鞭策和鼓励本刊成长的广大作者和读者衷心鸣谢,并引以为荣地同大家一起庆祝和欢度本刊的十周年诞辰。十年树木,树长十年基本上可以成材了,但它既受阳光雨露的滋润,也是经过风霜雨雪、冷热寒暑的锻炼和考验才从嫩芽、幼苗、小树逐渐长大成材的。本刊的生命历程也大致如此。忆(?)昔、追往事、苦又乐。回想本刊初创时,工作是义务,编辑靠业余,校对共同干,发行大家跑,才使幼苗扎了根、长了叶、开了花。后来有了一定编制了,但人手一直不足,始终是在一人干几人活的情况下度过的。可以告慰于我们自己和大家的,是本刊联系的作者、读者是与日俱增的,正是靠着广大作者和读者的爱护和支持,我们才能对科学学在我国的发展,对我国科技事业和科技体制的改革,做出自己应有的贡献。总结十年办刊的体会,要说经验基本的有三条:一是靠紧紧围绕我国科技与经济的结合,科技、经济与社会协调发展的需要,有目的地组稿和择优选稿;二是靠编辑部同仁不计个人得失地对事业的热爱和忠诚;三是靠广本作者和读者的支持、鼓励和帮助。回顾不是为了怀旧,而是为了今后更好地工作、更快地进步和做出更多的贡献。 In January this year, we published the 100th anniversary of milestone commemoration. In May this year, we have ushered in the 10th anniversary of the publication of this magazine. Taking this opportunity, we first extend our heartfelt thanks to the broad masses of authors and readers who have consistently supported, promoted and encouraged the growth of this magazine and are proud to share with you Celebrate and celebrate the tenth anniversary of this issue. Ten years of trees, tree ten years basically can be a success, but it is not only by the moisture of the sun and rain, but also through the wind and rain, cold and heat exercise and test before it grows from the buds, seedlings, small trees grow up . Our life history is also roughly the case. Memory (?) Past, chasing past things, bitter and fun. Recall that we started work, the work is voluntary, editing by amateur, proofreading work together, release we run, it is rooted seedlings, long leaves, blooming. Later, a certain number of people were drafted, but their manpower has been inadequate. They have always spent time in the work of a few people. We can comfort ourselves and everyone, is the author of this journal, readers are increasing, it is relying on the majority of the author and reader's love and support, we can science in our country's development, science and technology of our country and science and technology System reform, make its due contribution. To summarize the experience of the 10-year running period, we must say that there are basically three basic experiences: First, we aim to draft and draft selected articles objectively based on the combination of science and technology and economy in our country, the coordinated development of science and technology, economy and society; Rely on editorial department colleagues regardless of personal gains and losses to the cause of love and loyalty; third is by wide support and encouragement of readers and readers. Looking back not for nostalgia, but for better future work, faster progress and make more contributions.
一个颇有儒家之风的企业主的乡建梦,面临怎样的未来? What kind of future is facing the dream of the township building of a business owner with Confucianism?
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一、实现城市现代化必须坚定地依靠科学技术(略) 二、宜昌市率先提出科技兴市战略思想是认识论的飞跃(略) 三、宜昌科技兴市的主要经验宜昌自改革、开放伊始,就把发展和应用
片言只字——语言文字数量极少凤毛麟角——珍稀的人才或事物寡闻少见——见闻不广学识浅陋量小力微——数量很少力量微薄 Phrase only words - the number of languages