Comparison of Viromes in Ticks from Different Domestic Animals in China

来源 :中国病毒学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxw2yanzi
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Ticks are involved in the transmission of various arboviruses and some tick-borne viruses pose significant threats to the health of humans or livestock.This study aimed to investigate the geographical distribution of tick species and tickassociated viruses in central and eastern China.Total 573 ticks from domestic animals including dogs,sheep and cattle were collected in 2017.Two genera of ticks were identified including Rhipicephalus and Haemaphysalis.Sequencing was performed on Miseq Illumina platform to characterize the tick viromes from the four different sampling locations.Following trimming,13,640 reads were obtained and annotated to 19 virus families.From these sequences,above 37.74% of the viral reads were related to the RNA viruses.Virome comparison study revealed that the tick viral diversity was considerably different in the two identified tick genera.The viral diversity of R.microplus was significantly different from that of other Rhipicephalus species.On the other hand,substantial overlap in viral species was observed between the same genera.In addition,we found no evidence that the natural host played a major role in shaping virus diversity based on the comparison of their viromes.Rather,the geographic location seems to significantly influence the viral families.Phylogenetic study indicated that the novel negative-sense RNA viruses identified in this study was closely related to Bole tick virus 1 and 3 viruses.In conclusion,the present study provides a baseline for comparing viruses detected in ticks,according to species,natural hosts,and geographic locations.
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