Shrinkage Behaviour of Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron in Green and Dry Sand Molds for the Benchmarkin

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caisilver
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The effects of metallurgical and processing parameters on the formation of shrinkage cavities and porosities in spheroidal graphite cast iron have been studied, considering the parameters of carbon equivalent, inoculation, casting modulus, mold type (green or dry) and pouring temperature within specific ranges of these variables. Based on the orthogonal experiments, the metallurgical and processing parameters of the minimum casting shrinkage and the maximum casting shrinkage were obtained, and the effects of metallurgical and processing parameters on the formation of shrinkage cavities and porosities in spheroidal graphite cast iron castings were discussed. Finally, two regression equations relating these variables to the formation of shrinkage porosity were derived based upon the orthogonal experiments conducted. The effects of metallurgical and processing parameters on the formation of shrinkage cavities and porosities in spheroidal graphite cast iron have been studied, considering the parameters of carbon equivalent, inoculation, casting modulus, mold type (green or dry) and pouring temperature within specific ranges of these variables. Based on the orthogonal experiments, the metallurgical and processing parameters of the minimum casting shrinkage and the maximum casting shrinkage were obtained, and the effects of metallurgical and processing parameters on the formation of shrinkage cavities and porosities in spheroidal graphite cast iron castings were discussed. Finally, two regression equations relating these variables to the formation of shrinkage porosity were derived based upon the orthogonal experiments conducted.
【摘要】教师要以生为本,以学定教,巧妙分组,采用多媒体课件让学生更好地在课堂上交流,并采用多元化评价体系,努力与中职生文化底蕴进行接轨。  【关键词】计算机文化基础 中职生文化底蕴 接轨  【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)35-0041-02  中职学生进入到中职进行学习,很多学生是因为学习基础较差,文化底蕴不是很深厚,无法适应高中的学习。因此,对这
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作者简介:刘良(1988-),男,硕士在读,华东交通大学经济管理学院硕士,中国注册会计师(非执业会员),研究方向:人力资源管理、财务管理。  万华(1965-),男,博士学位,华东交通大学经济管理学院副教授,研究方向:企业管理以及经济转型。  摘要:本研究拟通过梳理心理契约相关研究的基础上,将心理契约的理论知识在中国的注册会计师行业得到恰当的运用,丰富会计师事务所人力资源管理的理论知识,为会计师事