Meander on Tibet's Chicken Culture

来源 :China's Tibet | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdn20907
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As common livestock,chickens have left quite a few interesting tales throughout the entirety of Tibetan history,and the region’s chicken culture has become one of most special featured cultures in all of China.Samye Monastery in Lhoka within the Tibet Autonomous Region is special when compared to other monasteries featuring Buddhas,dharma practices,and monks.Tsetan Tashi,a professor within the Institute of Tibetan Studies at As common livestock, chickens have left quite a few interesting tales throughout the entirety of Tibetan history, and the region’s chicken culture has become one of the most special featured cultures in all of China. Samye Monastery in Lhoka within the Tibet Autonomous Region is special when compared to other monasteries featuring Buddhas, dharma practices, and monks.Tsetan Tashi, a professor within the Institute of Tibetan Studies at
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