Pressing Ahead With Supply-Side Structural Reform

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Since late November 2016,China’s Central Government has been dispatching task forces across the country to conduct random inspections on the reduction of steel and coal overcapacity.So far,big steel and coal producing provinces such as Shanxi,Shandong and Henan have already accomplished their reduction targets for the year ahead of schedule,a demonstration of achievements made in supply-side reform. Since late November 2016, China’s Central Government has been dispatching task forces across the country to conduct random inspections on the reduction of steel and coal overcapacity. So far, big steel and coal producing provinces such as Shanxi, Shandong and Henan have already been so reached targets for the year ahead of schedule, a demonstration of achievements made in supply-side reform.
【摘要】新型汽车是新时代的发展方向,主要体现在新能源与智能化两方面。电力驱动带来的环保优化是新能源汽车获得政策支持的主要根源,而无人驾驶则是智能化汽车时代的奇迹发明,这些都正在成为现实。本文谨对新型汽车的产业链的发展脉络做出了一些梳理,浅见以供参阅。   【关键词】新型汽车 新能源 充电 无人驾驶  一、国家政策为新能源汽车大开绿灯  中国已经成为全球最大的汽车销售市场,未来10年我国汽车保有量还
How will the Belt and Road Initiative overcome roadblocks to success?As the United States and other developed countries grapple with rising trade protectionism
【摘要】随着我国经济增长水平飞速发展,我国的金融业也有了非常的变化,金融审计工作变得更加频繁,因此加强金融审计队伍建设也显得非常有必要。在金融审计队伍建设中,领导干部能起到带头作用,如果领导干部以身作则,有着很好的思想意识、政治倾向、工作作风,那么审计机关员工也会进行效仿,从而就会提高审计队伍的整体水平。   【关键词】领导干部 金融审计 队伍 建设  我国在进入世贸组织以来,经济发展速度非常迅猛
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