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我叫彭仕卿,现任农二师二十九团六连党支部书记、连长。党的十八大报告提出的很多目标和任务,对我的实际工作有很强的指导意义。自从1996年参加工作以来,我一直在农业单位工作。见证了连队农业种植从靠天吃饭,到一步步加大新科技的推广应用力度的蜕变过程。就我们连来说,全连9000多亩地现已全部推广使用了加压滴灌、精量播种、测土配方施肥等新技术,但是,随着成本的增加,职工增收的空间非常有限,所以结合党的十八大报告中提出的“坚持科学发展观”的思路,我觉得对我们连队来说,加大产业结构调整、延长产业链是我们今后必须要走的一条路。 My name is Peng Shiqing and I am currently serving as secretary and commander of the Sixth Party Branch of the 29th Division of the Second Agricultural Division. Many of the goals and tasks put forward by the 18th CPC National Congress report have great guiding significance for my practical work. Since working in 1996, I have been working in agricultural units. Witnessed the company of agricultural planting from weathering to step by step to increase the promotion of new technology and application of the transformation process. As far as we are concerned, the entire company of more than 9000 mu has now been popularized with new technologies such as pressurized drip irrigation, precision sowing and soil testing and formula fertilization. However, as the cost increases, there is very little room for workers to increase their income. Therefore, With the idea of ​​“adhering to the scientific concept of development” put forth in the report to the 18th National Congress of the CPC, I think it is a must for our company to step up industrial restructuring and extend the industrial chain in the future.
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