天下没有不爱自己孩子的父母,望子成龙、盼女成凤、可怜天下父母心,这可谓是普天下的父母——特别是现在的独生子女的父母的共同写照。应该说,父母对孩子的关爱与付出并没有因人而异,无论是哪位父母,他们都付出了全部的心血。可是为什么我们的孩子在成长的过程中却表现出了诸多的差异呢? 我们不能简单地说所有的孩子在出生的时候都是绝对的一样的、没有遗传上的差异。但正如《三字经》中所说的那样:性相近,习相远。人与人之间的差异最主要是后天形成的,比如环境、
There are no parents in the world who do not love their children, their aspirations, their dreams, and their parents’ hearts. This is a common portrayal of the world’s parents - especially the present one-child parents. It should be said that parents love and care of their children did not vary from person to person, no matter which parents, they have paid all the effort. But why our children show a lot of differences in the process of growth? We can not simply say that all children are absolutely the same at birth, there is no genetic differences. But as the “Three Character Classic” said: similar sex, Xi Xiangyuan. The most important difference between people is acquired, such as the environment,