
来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyunlong1015
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  Philip had trouble2 holding onto things. His parents were always getting angry3 with him for losing his clothes, his toys, or his homework. They didn’t realize4 that it really wasn’t Philip’s fault5—his things actually liked to run away from him!
  When Philip was two, his blanket6 grew legs and ran out of the house. His mother and father weren’t very happy. They thought that it was his fault.
  When Philip was three, he loved playing with his toy airplane. One day, it flew off the shelf and out the window, all by itself. Philip got blamed7 again. “You need to learn how to take better care of your toys,” his parents said.
  A year later, Philip had 12 pairs of socks run away from him!They were smart and had planned their escape8 well because Philip never knew how they did it. When his mother went to buy him more socks, she asked what kind he wanted. “The kind of socks that can’t climb out of a sock drawer,” he said. She thought he was making fun of her.
  Whenever Philip did his homework, he had to hold the paper down. If he let it go for one second, it would run off the desk and try to go outside. If you thought Philip’s parents didn’t like his explanations9, you should have seen his teacher’s reaction10!
  One day, Philip’s mom bought him a new ruler for him to bring to school. “Everyone will need a ruler tomorrow,” his teacher had said. His mother was very clear that Philip had better not lose the ruler.
  Philip worked hard to make sure that the ruler didn’t run away. He took a line and tied one end around the ruler and the other end around his dresser. All night, he kept one eye on the ruler, even as he was falling asleep.
  Philip thought he was smarter than the ruler, but he was wrong. It grew arms and legs and ran straight for the door. The line stopped it from getting out, but Philip had fallen asleep and didn’t see it. The ruler used its hands to untie11 the line and crept12 out the door, trying not to wake Philip up.   菲利普以为他比尺子聪明,但他错了。它长出了胳膊和腿,直奔门口而去。绳子阻止了它出去,但是这时候菲利普已经睡着了,没有看到。尺子用双手解开绳子,悄悄爬出了门口,尽量不吵醒菲利普。
  Because the ruler was so tall and thin, it had trouble keeping its balance13 on the stairs and it fell down. The noise was loud enough to wake Philip up. He chased14 the ruler all through the house.
  The ruler ran through the dining room, and Philip followed after. It ran through the kitchen and then went straight out to the front door. Philip caught it right before it got to the sidewalk15.
  “Gotcha!” he said. And just like that, the ruler stopped trying to run away. Philip put it on the ground and it happily walked right back up to his room. He finally understood why the ruler was running way—it was playing a game!It just wanted to have some fun.
  After that, Philip found a way to keep his toys fun without having them run away. His parents never shouted at him for losing things anymore.
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