
来源 :山东档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jasongoes
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第一,强化档案意识。档案是历史的见证,是国家的一种宝贵财富,是一种重要的信息资源。档案工作是一项功在当代、利在千秋的伟大事业,科学地管理和有效地利用档案,对于正确地总结过去、指导现在、规划未来,对于加快经济建设、推进科技进步、提高国民素质、促进社会发展,都具有十分重要的作用。现在存在的突出问题是,人们的档案意识不强,对档案工作的重要性认识不足。特别是一些单位的领导同志,对档案工作缺乏足够的重视,有的长期不配备专兼职档案人员,不派人参加集中立卷,档案工作处于无人管、无人抓的状态;有的认为档案工作可有可无,不把它列入议事日程,不能够及时解决档案工作中存在的具体问题,造成工作被动落后。象这样的领导,可以说是不称职的领导、不明智的领导,如果长期发展下去,就无法对历史负责,无法向后人交代。增强档案意识,不仅是改革开放和物质文明建设的需要,也是精神文明建设、民主法制建设的需要。不仅仅是分管的同志要增强这个意识,人事档案工作的同志要增强这个意识,各级党政领导同志、各部门各行业的领导同志,都应当增强这个意识。一个称职的领导,心里应该想着档案,工作安排应当考虑到档案,每年都应专门研究一两次档案工作。特别是在制订国民经济和社会发展规划时,要把档案事业列? First, to strengthen the file awareness. Archives is a historical testimony, a valuable asset for the country and an important source of information. Archives work is a great undertaking that works in the contemporary era and is of great benefit in the future. It scientifically manages and effectively uses archives. It is of great significance in the correct summarization of the past, guidance of the present, planning of the future, acceleration of economic construction, promotion of scientific and technological progress, improvement of people’s quality, Promote social development, have a very important role. The salient problem now exists is that people’s awareness of archives is not strong and they do not fully understand the importance of archival work. In particular, the leading comrades of some units lacks sufficient attention to archival work. Some do not have part-time part-time archivists for long periods of time, and do not send people to take part in a centralized rollout. Archival work is in an unmanaged and unmanned state. Some think Archives work dispensable, do not put it on the agenda, can not solve the specific problems in the file work in a timely manner, resulting in the work of passive backwardness. Leaders like this can be said to be incompetent leaders and unwise leaders. If they develop for a long time, they will not be accountable to history and will not be able to account to future generations. To enhance the awareness of archives is not only the need of reform and opening up and the building of material civilization, but also the construction of spiritual civilization and the building of democracy and legal system. It is not just the competent comrades in charge who should enhance this awareness. Comrades in the work of personnel files should enhance this awareness. Leaders and leaders at all levels of the party and government at all levels and leading comrades in all sectors and departments should raise this awareness. A competent leader, the heart should think of files, work arrangements should take into account the file, every year should be a special study once or twice the file. Especially in the formulation of national economic and social development planning, we must file the cause of the column?
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