狠抓整顿改革 提高企业素质

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去年年初以来,我局企业素质有了明显改善,换算周转量,运输收入、利润劳动生产率等主要经济技术指标,创历史最好水平。今年上半年与去年同期相比,换算周转量增长11.6%,运输收入增长19.6%,运输成本下降8.3%,利润增长45.4%,劳动生产率增长13.1%。这两年我们着重抓了以下几项工作: 一、建立健全内部经济责任制我们根据分局是铁路运输部门相对完整的经济实体、能形成铁路运输最终产品、在财务上可以独立计算盈亏的特点,把铁道部下达我局的主要经济技术指标,分解到分局。分局又根据站段担负的任务,选择关系全局经济效益的几项关键指标,规定相应的清算单价,计算站段的经济效益;同时,根据铁路联劳协作的特点,规定必要的考核指标、协作要求和考核标准,使各基层站段的 Since the beginning of last year, the quality of our business has been significantly improved, and the key economic and technical indicators such as turnover, transportation revenue and profit and labor productivity have reached record highs. Compared with the same period of last year, the conversion turnover increased by 11.6%, transportation revenue increased by 19.6%, transportation costs decreased by 8.3%, profits increased by 45.4% and labor productivity increased by 13.1%. In the past two years, we focused on the following tasks: I. Establishing and Improving the Internal Economic Responsibility System According to the sub-bureau, which is a relatively complete economic entity in the railway transportation sector, we can form the final product of railway transportation and independently calculate the profit and loss features in finance. The Ministry of Railways issued my bureau’s main economic and technical indicators, broken down to the branch. Based on the tasks undertaken by the station section, the sub-bureau also selects several key indicators concerning the overall economic benefits of the project and stipulates the corresponding unit price for liquidation and calculates the economic benefits of the station section. At the same time, it stipulates the necessary assessment indicators and coordination according to the characteristics of the railway cooperation and labor cooperation Requirements and assessment standards so that the grassroots stations
(一) 跟踪调查L207E型柴油机活塞的“R5”处裂纹(见图1),是造成活塞报废的主要原因。为了探索裂纹在实际运用中的发生与发展的规律性,以便为制定合理的报废限度提供依据,我
谈这个问题好像应该是女生的专利,但青春痘可不管什么男生女生,由于青春痘的待遇公平,所以谈论它也应该公平的,对不? 我们宿舍的几个成员对付痘痘有不同的策略,我对痘痘基本
在这个故事里,没有我的影儿,我是个局外者;在这个故事里,有爱和信念的影儿,谁也不是局外者。———题记 In this story, there is no shadow of me. I am an outsider. In t
故阵现象到断方法!处理方法 18.柴油机冒烟异常一冒黑烟1.各缸喷油泵供油不均匀及供油量过大(柱塞齿圈松,使供油量增大)招少气缸排温过高{校准各缸供油量}检查}校准一--一 一
1964年10月16日,中华民族石破天惊的一天,我国第一颗原子弹爆炸成功。中国政府随后发表声明:中国进行核试验,发展核武器,是被迫而为。中国发展核武器,是为了打破核大国的垄断地位。中国发展核武器,是为了防御,为了保卫中国人民免受美国发动核战争的威胁。  1992年,邓小平在南巡讲话中说,“如果60年代以来中国没有原子弹、导弹,没有发射卫星,中国就不能叫有影响的大国,就没有现在这样的国际地位。这些东