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《大转折》是八一电影制片厂继《大决战》之后摄制的又一部表现革命战争历史的巨片。影片表现的是人民解放军历史上一段十分辉煌的历程:1947年,国民党向解放区发动重点进攻,我军放弃延安。毛泽东审时度势,做出由主力部队挺进中原将战争引向国统区的战略决策。刘伯承、邓小平率领晋冀鲁豫野战军临危受命,于6月底强渡黄河,揭开了战略反攻的序幕。在鲁西南地区,刘邓大军八天内接连攻克定陶、曹县、郓城三城,又在六营集设伏围歼了敌两个整编师,然后在羊山集与国民党精锐之师宋瑞珂部艰苦鏖战,终于取得鲁西南战役的胜利。此时,毛泽东决定在敌人尚未完成战略部署前,二野不做休整,立即南下。刘邓顾全大局,勇担重担,克服了无后方作战带来的种种困难,开始向大别山地区挺进。他们从敌人的重重封锁中杀出血路,渡过五条河,终于到达了大别山。在大别山,他们克服了物质条件极端艰苦和自然环境恶劣的困难,做好群众工作,终于站稳脚跟,开辟出一片新天地,扭转了战局。 The turning point is another big film showing the history of the revolutionary war produced by Bayi Film Studio following the “Great Decisive Battle.” The performance of the film is a very brilliant history of the People’s Liberation Army. In 1947, the Kuomintang launched a key offensive to the Liberated Areas and our army gave up Yan’an. Mao Zedong reviewed the situation and made the strategic decision that the main force marched toward the Central Plains to lead the war to the reigns of the KMT and the KMT. Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping led the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army in dire need to force the Yellow River by the end of June and set the scene for a strategic counter-offensive. In the southwestern region, the army of Liu and Deng successively captured Dingtao, Caoxian and Tancheng in eight days and set up their ambushes to wipe out the two enemy reorganization divisions in the Six Battalions. Afterwards, they staged a fierce battle with Song Ruike, a division of the Kuomintang elite, , Finally won the battle of Southwest. At this point, Mao Zedong decided that before the enemy has not yet completed its strategic deployment, the two fields will not make a break and immediately go south. Taking all the overall situation into consideration, Liu and Deng bravely shouldered the heavy burden and overcame the difficulties brought about by the no-back operation and began advancing toward the Dabie Mountain. From the numerous blockades of their enemies, they killed their own blood and crossed the five rivers before finally reaching the Dabie Mountains. In the Dabie Mountains, they overcame the difficulties of extremely difficult material conditions and the harsh natural environment. They did a good job in mass work and finally gained a firm foothold and opened up a new world, reversing the war situation.
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摘 要:随着社会的发展,人们对自身文化的发展越来越重视,同时也得到了有关部门的大力支持,公共图书馆就是其重点表现之一,它的全民阅读功能能够使更多的人参与到阅读中,使人们的知识得到增加,但从目前公共图书馆的发展来看,其服务功能依然需要继续进行拓展,本文主要对这一方面进行深入思考。  关键词:拓展;公共图书馆;全民阅读;服务功能;思考  书籍是承接人们精神生活的载体,也是人们获得知识的重要途径。图书馆