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人物描述美国《时代》杂志(TIME)和美国世界新闻网评出的“2003年全球最具影响力企业家”中,日产总裁兼CEO卡洛斯·戈恩成为20位入围者之一。这位巴西出生的法国人。在以“菊与刀”著称的日本(美国人类学家本尼迪克特用《菊与刀》来揭示日本人的矛盾性格。亦即日本文化的双重性:如爱美而黩武,尚礼而好斗,喜新而顽固,服从而不驯),取得了前所未有的成功, 他本人如今已成为日本最著名的外国人,甚至成了日本漫画书的主角。 “尽管他登陆时并没有带来武装直升机和其他最新的西方奇妙装置,但卡洛斯·戈恩的到来与1854年美国海军准将马太·佩里一样预示着变化的开始。”一位西方记者这样描绘卡洛斯,戈恩对日本的意义。佩里用四艘炮舰迫使日本幕府时代的将军打开了日本的大门,戈恩则在短短4年里让日产汽车从濒临破产到重现活力。在商界,很多人非常明确地表示对卡洛斯·戈恩非常尊敬,因为他成功帮助日产走出了危险期。只用了一年多的时间,就使得连续7年亏损的日产当年盈利27亿美元,创造出了世界汽车界的奇迹。现在日产汽车的大股东法国雷诺汽车公司已宣布,2005年卡洛斯·戈恩将接任雷诺总裁。也许在这一幕的管理经典中,我们还会看到戈恩在美国、欧洲、日本经历的影子。他的绰号:成本杀手、破冰者、破坏者、Am-Pm、早7点到晚11点、独自挑战日本企业弊端大风车的唐·吉诃德、按下按钮的人、边际人…… Character description US TIME magazine and the World News in the United States named “2003 World’s Most Influential Entrepreneur ”, Nissan President and CEO Carlos Ghosn was one of 20 finalists. The Brazilian-born Frenchman. Japan, known as “Chrysanthemum and Knife ” (American anthropologist Benedict uses “Chrysanthemum and Knife” to reveal the contradictory character of Japanese people, that is, the duality of Japanese culture: beauty and martial arts Etiquette and combative, hi new and stubborn, obedient and not tame), has achieved unprecedented success, he himself has now become Japan’s most famous foreigner, and even became the protagonist of Japanese comic books. “Although Carlos did not bring a helicopter gunship and other up-to-date western fantastic devices when he landed, the arrival of Carlos Ghosn as much as the march of U.S. naval admiral Matthew Perry in 1854 signals the beginning of the change.” Western reporters portray Carlos, Ghosn sense of Japan. Perry with four gunboats forced Japan’s generals to open the door to Japan’s shogunate, Ghosn in just 4 years to make Nissan bankruptcy to revitalize. In the business world, many people are very clear that Carlos Ghosn very respect, because he successfully helped Nissan out of danger. In just over a year, Nissan, which suffered a loss of seven consecutive years, made a profit of 2.7 billion U.S. dollars and created a miracle in the world automobile industry. Now Renault, the majority shareholder of Nissan, has announced that Carlos Ghosn will succeed Renault in 2005. Perhaps in the management classic of this scene, we will also see Ghosn’s shadow in the United States, Europe and Japan. His nicknames: Cost Killer, Icebreaker, Destroyer, Am-Pm, Don Quijote, a tycoon struggling alone with the drawbacks of Japanese companies from 7 am to 11 pm, people pushing buttons, marginal people ...
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Traditional Chinese medicine originated from the rich cultural heritage of China. It has absorbed the highlights of ancient philosophy, astronomy, meteorology a
图1一3:上栏摆动腿积极攻栏.大、小腿折益较紧.上体稍前倾.起胯腿侧手,(美国)埃德温·摩西400米栏技术连续图 Figure 1 a 3: the upper swing swing leg active attack bar.