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目的总结分析近两年鼠情监测方法、结果,掌握鼠情动态变化,预测疫情发展趋势,指导今后监测工作。方法两年间在即定的监测区域用板夹夹夜法及弓形夹、鼠笼扑鼠,寄生物采集按《新疆蚤目志》方法进行,血清学检测采用微量血凝法检测F1抗体、抗原。对阳性材料用试管微量法复判,最终以自治区CDC复判为结果。结果2007年年均总鼠密度比2006年下降0.7%,宿主增加2种。城区优势种以小家鼠替代了2006年的褐家鼠,印鼠客蚤染蚤率、蚤指数比2006年急剧下降。在野外区优势种大沙鼠的染蚤率、蚤指数则高于2006年。蚤类仍以臀突客蚤为优势蚤种,比2006年增加了2种。结论两年中在口岸城区褐家鼠优势宿主及媒介蚤类种群、密度发生了改变。在口岸周边野外区大沙鼠仍为优势种群地位,2007年在口岸城郊区进一步摸清了大沙鼠的分布范围。并且该鼠密度、染蚤率、蚤指数两年间均持在较高状态,预测近期动物间鼠疫流行不会改变。今后应高度关注家、野栖宿主动物及媒介蚤的转移、交换。进一步提高监测水平。 Objective To summarize and analyze the monitoring methods of rodent conditions in the past two years. Results, master the dynamic changes of rodents, predict the development trend of epidemics, and guide future monitoring. Method Two years in the immediate monitoring area plate clip night method and bow clamp, squirrel cage rodent, parasite collection according to “Xinjiang flea head Zhi” method, serological test using trace hemagglutination test F1 antibody, antigen. The positive material with the test tube microtiter interlacing, and ultimately to the Autonomous Region CDC as a result of the second sentence. Results In 2007, the average annual rodent rat density decreased by 0.7% compared with that of 2006 and the host increased by 2 species. The dominant species in the urban area replaced the Rattus norvegicus in 2006 with the Mus musculus, and the flea index was significantly lower than that in 2006. In the wild area dominant gerbils dyed flea rate, flea index was higher than in 2006. Fleas are still predatory flea flea dominant flea species, an increase of 2 than in 2006. Conclusion In the two years, the population density and the dominant species of Rattus norvegicus in the port city were changed. Ophiopogon japonicus is still the predominant population in the wild area around the port. In 2007, the gerbil was further found out in the suburbs of the port city. And the density of the rat, flea infection rate, flea index were held at a high state for two years, the prediction of the recent animal epidemic will not change. In the future, attention should be paid to the transfer and exchange of home and wild host animals and vector fleas. Further improve the monitoring level.