125号公马 短篇小说

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整整五百匹马,浑身霜雪,被载畜车从境外运进冬日的阿日哈沙特口岸,卸入临时隔离场。它们不像骁勇的马群那样神气十足,而是步履舒缓,懒散的样子更像是刚刚溃退下来的士兵。确切地说,它们更像俘虏,因为每一匹马的身上都用黑色油漆写着大大的编号,从1到500,那些随意涂抹的痕迹显示着书写者的简单粗暴,也让人预感到马群不祥的命运。没错,这是马贩子从外 A full 500 horses, covered in frost and snow, were transported to the temporary quarantine yard from the Ari-Hasat port where they were brought into the winter from abroad. They are not as energetic as a brave horse, but rather as a soothing, more lazy look more like a soldier who has just collapsed. Rather, they are more like prisoners, because every horse’s body is covered in large numbers with black paint, ranging from 1 to 500. The traces of random smearing show the writer’s rudeness and prejudice Ominous fate. Yes, this is a horse dealer from outside
Tess was eight-year-old when she heard her Mom and Dad talking about her little brother, Andrew. All she knew was that he was very sick and they were out of money. They were moving to a smaller apartm
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In Europe people hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right throughout the meal, a system that is generally agreed to be more efficient than the
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