Since the 1980s, more than 200 stable strains have been bred by different mutagenesis techniques. Over 40 excellent new lines have been bred, screened, and comprehensively appraised. The combination of radiation and hybridization of stable strains accounted for 45.6% of the total strains; irradiation of dry seeds breeding effect is constant, stable strains and excellent new lines accounted for more than 11% of the proportion of radiation; dry Seeds, pollen, and radiation are combined with plant cell tissue culture to produce a number of stable lines in three generations. From the selection of excellent traits of stable lines, we can see that irradiation of dry seeds, combination of radiation and hybridization, and irradiation of pollen and zygotic have a greater effect on early heading and improving the maturity. In vitro culture of immature embryos and irradiation induced phase Combined with the choice of large spike, large grain material.