China's Export-led Growth Strategy:An International Comparison

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baobaob1234
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A pressing challenge for China is determining where to accommodate millions of migrantworkers displaced by the closing of many export-oriented factories.The current globalfinancial crisis has exposed the fragility of the export-led growth strategy China has adoptedover the past 30 years.Is there a better alternative for providing non-agricultural jobs thanthe sweatshops of cheap export production? In the present paper, international experienceis reviewed to shed light on China’s situation.Using pooled regression models, we analyzedata from the World Bank for 209 economies.We investigate the experience of other economiesto answer the following questions: What is the common process of expanding the non-agricultural economy? How is that process affected by the level of the real exchange rate? Isexport production a common way of absorbing surplus rural labor? Finally, what are theways that domestic demand and service employment can be expanded? A pressing challenge for China is determining where to accommodate millions of migrantworkers displaced by the closing of many export-oriented factories. The current global financial crisis has exposed the fragility of the export-led growth strategy China has adopted over the past 30 years.Is there a better alternative for providing non-agricultural jobs thanthe sweatshops of cheap export production? In the present paper, international experienceis reviewed to shed light on China’s situation. Using pooled regression models, we analyzedata from the World Bank for 209 economies. We investigate the experience of other economiesto answer the following questions: What is the common process of expanding the non-agricultural economy? How is that process affected by the level of the real exchange rate? Isexport production a common way of absorbing surplus rural labor? Finally, what are theways that domestic demand and service employment can be expanded?
作者取4名非接砷受试者指甲样品50mg,染以0.5~2.0 mg的As_2O_3粉尘,用作者改进后的Curatola法可洗去98%的外源性砷。以下方法中(1)~(5)各步为Curatola法,(6)、(7)两步则为作者
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