合肥痔瘘医院是我市唯一一所中医痔瘘专科医院,近三年来,该院坚持以改革为动力,加强内部管理,发展特色专科,在竞争激烈的医疗市场中站稳了脚跟,彻底改变了陈旧落后的院容院貌。他们迎击市场挑战的主要做法是: 一、加强领导班子建设,狠抓政治思想工作。一个单位建设与管理的好坏,很大程度上取决于领导班子。医院在局党委的领导下,大胆提拔德才兼备的优秀年轻干部,充实加强领导力量,使领导班子成为整体素质优良、成员优
Hefei Hospital of Hemorrhoids and Fistula is the only Chinese hospital specializing in hemorrhoids and fistula in the city. In the past three years, the hospital insisted on taking reform as the motive force, strengthening internal management and developing specialties, which had a firm foothold in the highly competitive medical market Changed the old courtyard hospital appearance. The main approaches they face in meeting market challenges are as follows: First, to strengthen the building of the leading body and pay close attention to the work of political thinking. A unit of construction and management of good or bad, largely depends on the leadership. Under the leadership of the party committee under the leadership of the bureau, the hospital boldly promotes excellent young cadres with both ability and political integrity, and strengthens the leadership so that the leading body can become an overall good and excellent member