2006年6月底,新兴的影音接口标准HDMI,在其7家创始成员厂商的共同推动下又出台并正式宣布了1.3新版本。约两周以后(7月10日),负责该规范授权和推广的HDMI LLC公司(创始成员厂商之一Silicon Image公司的全资子公司),又在中国正式宣布并介绍了HDMI 1.3新版本。
The end of June 2006, the emerging audio and video interface standard HDMI, under the co-promotion of its seven founding member manufacturers introduced and officially announced the 1.3 new version. About two weeks later (July 10), HDMI LLC (a wholly owned subsidiary of Silicon Image, one of the founding member companies) responsible for the specification’s authorization and promotion, formally announced and introduced a new version of HDMI 1.3 in China.