
来源 :实验教学与仪器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:owen_0278
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加聚反应、缩聚反应是中学化学教学的难点,也是高考常考内容。然而受实验条件等因素的限制,一些典型的实验无法演示,即使能做的实验也无法通过感性认识理解反应原理。在教学中如何将抽象的聚合反应展现在学生面前呢这成为很多教师的难题。在多年的教学过程中,笔者探索出一条新的教学思路解决了这个问题。其方法是:通过让学生做游戏模拟聚合反应过程,教师将抽象的理论形象化、简单化,从而取得了较好的教学效果。同时,学生在做游戏的过程中体会到学习的快乐、成功的喜悦,在一定程度上也激发了他们的学习兴趣。 Polyaddition reaction and polycondensation reaction are the difficulties in chemistry teaching in middle schools, and they are also the contents of regular entrance exams for college entrance examinations. However, due to limitations of experimental conditions and other factors, some typical experiments cannot be demonstrated. Even if the experiments can be performed, the reaction principle cannot be understood through perceptual knowledge. How to show the abstract polymerization reaction to students in teaching is a problem for many teachers. In the course of many years of teaching, the author explored a new teaching idea to solve this problem. The method is: By allowing students to simulate the process of game simulation, the teacher will visualize and simplify the abstract theories, thus achieving better teaching results. At the same time, students in the process of playing games realize the joy of learning and the joy of success, and to a certain extent they also stimulate their interest in learning.
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