Second-generation direct-acting-antiviral hepatitis C virus treatment: Efficacy, safety, and predict

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daimao
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AIM To gather data on the antiviral efficacy and safety of second generation direct acting antiviral(DAA) treatment with respect to sustained virological response(SVR) 12 wk after conclusion of treatment, and to determine predictors of SVR12 in this setting.METHODS Two hundred and sixty patients treated with SOF combination partners PR(n = 51), R(n = 10), SMV(n = 30), DCV(n = 81), LDV(n = 73), or 3D(n = 15).144/260 were pre-treated, 89/260 had liver cirrhosis, 56/260 had portal hypertension with platelets < 100/nL, 25/260 had a MELD score ≥ 10 and 17/260 were postliver transplantation patients. 194/260 had HCV GT1, 44/260 HCV GT3.RESULTS Two hundred and forty/256(93.7%) patients achieved SVR12(m ITT); 4/260 were lost to follow-up. SVR12 rates for subgroups were: 92% for SOF/DCV, 93% for each SOF/SMV, SOF/PR, 94% for SOF/LDV, 100% for 3D, 94% for pretreated, 87% for liver cirrhosis, 82% for patients with platelets < 100/n L, 88% post-liver transplantation, 95% for GT1 a, 93% for GT1 b, 90% for GT3, 100% for GT2, 4, and 6. 12 patients suffered from relapse, 6 prematurely discontinued treatment, of which 4 died. Negative predictors of SVR12 were a platelet count < 100/nL, MELD score ≥ 10(P < 0.0001), liver cirrhosis(P = 0.005) at baseline. In Interferonfree treatment GT3 had significantly lower SVR rates than GT1(P = 0.016). Side effects were mild. CONCLUSION Excellent SVR12 rates and the favorable side-effect profile of DAA-combination therapy can be well translated into “real-world”. Patients with advanced liver disease, signs of portal hypertension, especially with platelets < 100/n L and patients with GT3 are in special need for further research efforts to overcome comparatively higher rates of virological failure. AIM To gather data on the antiviral efficacy and safety of second generation direct acting antiviral (DAA) treatment with respect to sustained virological response (SVR) 12 wk after conclusion of treatment, and determine the predictors of SVR12 in this setting. METHODS Two hundred and Sixty patients treated with SOF combination partners PR (n = 51), R (n = 10), SMV (n = 30), DCV (n = 81), LDV (n = 73), or 3D (n = 15). 144/260 had pre-treated, 89/260 had liver cirrhosis, 56/260 had portal hypertension with platelets <100 / nL, 25/260 had a MELD score ≥ 10 and 17/260 were postliver transplantation patients. 194/260 had HCV GT1, 44/260 HCV GT3.RESULTS Two hundred and forty-eight (93.7%) patients achieved SVR12 (m ITT); 4/260 were lost to follow-up. SVR12 rates for subgroups were: 92% for SOF / DCV , 93% for each SOF / SMV, SOF / PR, 94% for SOF / LDV, 100% for 3D, 94% for pretreated, 87% for liver cirrhosis, 82% for patients with platelets < post-liver transplantation, 95% for GT1 a, 93% for GT1 b Negative predictors of SVR12 were a platelet count <100 / nL, MELD score ≥ 10 (10% for GT3, 100% for GT2, 4, and 6. 12 patients suffered from relapse, 6 prematurely discontinued treatment, CON Interferonfree treatment GT3 was significantly lower SVR rates than GT1 (P = 0.016). CONCLUSION Excellent SVR12 rates and the favorable side-effect profile of DAA Patients with advanced liver disease, signs of portal hypertension, especially with platelets <100 / n L and patients with GT3 are in special need for further research efforts to overcome comparatively higher rates of virological failure.
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男人爱美女,女人爱俊男,这是人之常情,很自然的事情。谁看见漂亮女人不喜欢不动心呢?哪个女人看见俊男不想多瞅几眼呢?说不想,那是假话,还说不想,那反倒不正常起来了。不想,为什么自古能流传下“窈窕淑女,君子好逑”的闲话?   只不过,男人爱美女,女人爱俊男,对于已婚之人来说,动动心可以,因为动心是一朵美丽的花。但真正要行动,来真格的,那就容易变成一根长长的刺,到时候容易扎得你无法忍受。   因为动心,
阿敏,广播电台美食节目主持人。  深爱曹雪芹、兰陵笑笑生及我友白晶晶,  亦爱美食美器及范巴斯腾。  幸福是享受身边的快乐,  理想是衣美人瘦好胃口。    前几天跟女友阿眉吃饭聊天,她忽然发问:“敏姐,我是不是一个很强势的角色?是不是会让男人不舒服的女人?”此番话害我一愣:在我眼中,阿眉是一个自立、自尊、自爱和自信的女人,但骨子里又不乏细腻和柔情,算得上是善解人意的如水女子了。  咽下水煮鱼,忙