Comparative Study on Status and Demands of Kindergarten Teacher Training——Based on the Perspective o

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Kindergarten teachers’ professional development is directly related to the care and teaching quality. Kindergarten teacher training is an important task of continuing education,and also is the basic way to implement the concept of lifelong education,to improve the quality of kindergarten teachers,to promote the professional development of teachers and the care and teaching quality. However,there is a gap between the status and the demands of trainings. Some trainings lack pertinence,practicability and effectiveness. Therefore,it is very important to carry on the contrast to the kindergarten teacher training status and demands and to explore the mode of the development of curriculum resources in kindergarten. Kindergarten teachers’ professional development is directly related to the care and teaching quality. Kindergarten teacher training is an important task of continuing education, and also the basic way to implement the concept of lifelong education, to improve the quality of kindergarten teachers, to promote the professional development of teachers and the care and teaching quality. However, there is a gap between the status and the demands of trainings. Some trainings lack pertinence, practicability and effectiveness. Therefore, it is very important to carry on the contrast to the kindergarten teacher training status and demands and to explore the mode of the development of curriculum resources in kindergarten.
摘 要:《砂女》的主体性思想集中表现为对权力的揭露和批判。作为一个关于“权力”的寓言,该文本深刻揭露了世俗权力的无穷放大及其对个体权力空间的挤压和褫夺。文本对权力的反思与批判,不仅指向外部世界,也指向各种物化的身份符号、家庭伦理,从而呈现出作家权力反思的深度和广度。  关键词:《砂女》 权力 主体性  主体通向自由的最大障碍是权力。安部公房小说的权力批判指向现实生活无所不在的窥视、监控,直至对主体
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开始进入这个游戏时,就彷佛置身在古老国度里面,游戏背景制作细致,珠子造型精美,背景音乐神秘搞笑,不失为平常休闲娱乐的精品游戏。 When he entered this game, he seemed