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《档案馆工作通则》第二章第六条对档案馆接收档案的范围作出了比较原则的规定,要求各级档案馆只接收“本级各关、团体及其所属单位”形成的应该接收的档案进馆.这一明确规定,充分体现了我国档案分层管理的原则.那么县档案馆应该接收的是县级机关、团体在工作过程中形成的在本单位保存一定时间的档案.前几年,县档案馆把乡级档案也同样接收进馆,笔者认为是不妥当的.一、它不符合档案分层管理的原则.《宪法》规定,乡是一级人民政府,虽然过去规模、名称几经变动,或由区改乡,或由乡改为人民公社,或由人民公社又改为乡,不论怎样改,作为一级政府的性质始终没有变动过.按照我国档案分层管理的原则,乡级档案应由乡档案部门进行管理.它既符合档案分层管理的原则,同时也是乡级人民政府应尽的义务和应负的责任.当前,乡级档案数量不多,最多的也不过数千卷,由于《档案法》的宣传贯彻,乡级政府加强了档案工作的领导,建立了综合档案室,库房和档案装具、管理利用等条件有了大的改善与提高,对保管为数不多的档案是不成问题的.如果县档案馆再接收乡级档案进馆这会给乡级档案工作带来不好的影响.二、从实际上来说,它造成馆内文件材料大量重复.凡指导乡级立卷的同志都很了解,乡级档案大部分是由上级机关发送的文件形成的 Article 6 of Chapter 2 of the “General Rules for the Work of Archives” makes comparisons to the scope of the archives received by the archives and requires archives at all levels to receive only the documents that should be received by the archives at all levels and by the organizations and their subordinate units Archives into the museum .This clear provision, fully reflects the principle of hierarchical management of our archives.Then the county archives should receive is the county-level agencies, organizations formed in the course of work in this unit to save a certain period of files. In the year, the county archives to the township archives also received into the museum, I think it is not appropriate .A first, it does not meet the principle of hierarchical management of files.According to the Constitution, the township is a level of people’s government, although the size of the past, After several changes in the name, or from the district to the township, or from the township to the people’s commune, or from the people’s commune to the township, no matter what change, the nature of the government as a level has not changed .According to the principle of hierarchical management of our archives , The township archives should be managed by the township archives department, which is in line with the principle of hierarchical management of archives and is also the obligation and responsibility of the people’s government at the township level. At present, there are not many archives at the township level, However, due to the propaganda and implementation of the Archives Law, the township government strengthened the leadership of the archives work, established a comprehensive archives room, warehouse and archives equipment, and greatly improved and improved conditions for management and utilization. A small number of files is not a problem. If the county archives and then receive the township file into the museum which will give the township archives work a bad influence. Second, from the fact that it caused a large number of museum materials repeated All comrades who instruct the township-level legislation are well aware that most of the township-level archives are formed by documents sent by higher authorities
张闳 :对于某一历史事件的研究 ,至少可以有两种途径 ,一是直接研究该事件本身 ,二是研究人们对该事件的研究或描述。这两种方法同样有意义。近年 ,许子东出版了一本题为《为