抓住知识经济机遇 实施反梯度推移发展

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进入九十年代以来,知识经济这个概念在全世界范围内逐步流行,并随即成为发达国家制定走向21世纪发展战略的理论指导。现在看来,知识经济的兴起正在改变发达国家乃至整个世界经济的产业结构,同样,它的兴起也给发展中国家和地区带来了历史性的机遇。有一种观点认为,目前相对落后的地区还不具备发展知识经济的条件,而只能采取“先农业,后工业、再服务业”的、仅靠接受从发达地区外溢、转移和淘汰的产业来发展经济的梯度推移战略。而现 Since entering the nineties, the concept of knowledge economy has become more and more popular all over the world, and has become the theoretical guidance for developed countries in formulating the development strategy for the 21st century. It now appears that the rise of the knowledge economy is changing the industrial structure of the economy in developed countries and the entire world. Likewise, its rise has also brought historic opportunities to developing countries and regions. There is a view that the relatively backward regions do not yet have the conditions for developing a knowledge-based economy. Instead, they can only adopt the industries of “pre-agriculture, post-industry and re-service.” They can only rely on industries that spill over, transfer from and out of developed areas Gradient development strategy of economic development. And now
1,103名尼日利亚儿童,年龄6~11岁。分2组。第1组548例应用法西达治疗,其中201例用法西达单剂量(周效磺胺25mg/kg+乙胺嘧啶1.25mg/kg)治疗,66例用抑 1,103 Nigerian children
麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT)与中国开放式教育资源共享组织(China Open Resources for Education, CORE)第二次公开课程材料(Open CourseWare
在上市后的监测报告中发现Pharmacia公司的新抗生素奈唑利得 (Zyvox ,linezolid)引起骨髓抑制 (包括贫血、白细胞减少、全血细胞减少及血小板减少 ) ,因而在美加强警告。该公司说 ,由于不知道不良事
新生儿破伤风病死率很高,在印度农村为55%。作者报道用鞘内注射破伤风马抗血清(ATS)及皮质激素治疗破伤风,取得了一定的效果。1978年8~9月间把印度某儿童医院99 Neonatal te
乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白制品概况  本品系经乙型肝炎疫苗免疫献血员采集的含有一定乙型肝炎抗体效价的血浆 ,按低温乙醇法制备的特异性免疫球蛋白。其中丙球蛋白在 90 %以上。每
Metsulfuron-methyl is one of the widely used sulfonylurea herbicides.However,approximately half of the ap- plied metsulfuron-methyl may remain as bound residues