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近日,决心把心思放在工作上的梁咏琪GiGi到北京的好乐迪,举行了新专辑的签售活动。在签售之前的记者会上,大家依然对GiGi的感情生活十分关心。之前,香港媒体屡次拍到GiGi和其法籍绯闻男友亲密吃饭逛街,但GiGi一直死守口风,不肯透露半句。此次,再次提及“法国男友”时,梁咏琪依旧是矢口否认,表示两人“只是普通朋友”。梁咏琪表示:“现在主要是以工作为重,虽然四处宣传,很难见一面,但是有时候,会打电话联系。” Recently, determined to put their minds on the work of Gigi Leung GiGi Beijing Hao Le Di, held a new album of signings and sales activities. At the press conference prior to the signing of the sale, everyone was still very concerned about the emotional life of GiGi. Previously, Hong Kong media repeatedly photographed GiGi and his French-born boyfriend gossip shopping, but GiGi has been tight-lipped, refused to disclose half a sentence. This time, once again referred to “French boyfriend ”, Gigi is still denied, said the two “just ordinary friends ”. Gigi Leung said: “Now it’s mainly about taking the work as a priority. Although it is hard to see the publicity around, it is sometimes called by phone.” "
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4 1=卜E万 2 3 5 33一 不用仰望, r~、 2 1 7 11 丝一边』}些 厂、 2 1 66 心里收藏, 什么 是3 22 都不能阻档 厂、、 2 3 5 33 多长; 不用幻想, 31 路有 0 23 爱就 .1_介 !!
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韩国人气偶像邓智熏(Rain)最近实践其梦想,进行世界巡回演唱,早前到香港进行为期三天的演唱会,令Rain迷狂喜。他乘坐到港的是印有他半裸天使造型的大 South Korea’s popula
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