
来源 :古代文明(辑刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangdod
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本文探讨的重点不是文字本身的功能与特点,而是它在社会发展中所处的位置,特别是它与国家的关系。在进行讨论之前,有必要澄清文字的概念问题。学者对文字的理解不尽相同,给文字下的定义也多种多样。有的认为(1)“真正的文字只产生在这样的场合:语言中的每个词和词与词之间的全部语法关系用图形符号再现出来,从而不仅再现信息的总的意思,而且再现其逐字逐句的内容”[1],有的说(2)“文字是通过约定俗成的符号来 The focus of this article is not the function and characteristics of the text itself, but its place in social development, especially its relationship with the state. Before proceeding with the discussion, it is necessary to clarify the conceptual issues of writing. Scholars’ understanding of the text varies, and the definition of the word is varied. Some think (1) ”The real text only produced in such a situation: every word in the language and all the grammatical relations between words and words are reproduced with graphical symbols, so as to not only reproduce the overall meaning of the message, but also Reproduce its verbatim content “[1], and some say (2) ” text is through the conventions of symbols
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