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孔老二是没落奴隶主阶级的代表人物,林彪是地、富、反、坏、右和帝、修、反的代理人。这两个家伙所处的时代不同,但他们妄图复辟的反动思想是一脉相承的。林彪扯起孔老二的“克己复礼”的黑旗,就是妄想颠覆无产阶级专政,建立林家父子封建法西斯王朝。如果他的罪恶阴谋得逞,我们广大劳动人民就要被重新拉回旧社会,吃二遍苦,受二茬罪。 Kong Erli was the representative of the declining slave class, and Lin Piao was an agent of the rich, the anti-bad, the right, the emperor, the revisionist and the anti-vice. The two guys are in different times, but the reactionary ideologies that they vainly attempt to restore are the result of the same strain. Lin Biao pulls up the second black flag of “second self-denial” of Father Kong Er, who is trying to overthrow the dictatorship of the proletariat and establish the feudal and fascist dynasties of Lin and his father and son. If his conspiracy to sin succeeds, the vast majority of our working people will have to be brought back to the old society again and suffer twice as bitterness and secondly as sin.
Accumulation of mutations and alterations in the expression of various genes result in carcinogenesis,and the development of microarray technology has enabled u
我喜欢手执书本的感觉。当别人杯盏交错的时候,当别人花前月下的时候,当别人假日游玩的时候……我却坐在书桌前,穿梭书丛林海,一次次启程,一次次地出发。因为有书,心便找到了归属。这种日子,尽管寂寞,但寂寞中的充实,寂寞中的等待,让我比别人多了一份知识,多了一份阅历,多了一份人生的情怀……有人说喜欢读书的人不觉得寂寞,我非常认同这句话。正如罗曼·罗兰所说,“和书籍生活在一起永远不会叹息”。  在匆匆的旅途
AIM To observe changes in gastric biomarker levels with age and effects of Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) infection in a healthy population, and explore factors
位于美国麻萨诸塞州坎布里奇市的波拉公司介绍 了它的第一种数字式照相机——PDC2000。据波拉公 司执行副总裁亨利·安柯斯称,PDC2000具有“单镜头 反光照相机的样子、感觉
AIM To investigate shear wave(SW) propagation velocity in patients with untreated hepatitis C and patients with sustained virological response(SVR). METHODS A t